Tuesday, September 25, 2007

OFFF, the aftermath

You would think that someone who DIDN'T sell any sheep and DIDN'T sell any fleeces would keep her pocketbook closed. And I DIDN'T have much time to shop. So how DID I manage to find all these wonderful fibers to bring home to spin??? In order of discovery, there's 16 oz. of picked turquoise kid mohair, seven +/-2 oz. packages of the softest and most intriguing green 70% superwash merino/30% non-superwash alpaca top (a mistake at the mill that resulted in a VERY attractive price), a pound of black-dyed domestic wool roving that is quite soft and very lustrous (I thought this and the turquoise mohair plied together would be gorgeous), and a 14 oz. bump of natural-colored rambouillet that I want to overdye before spinning.
I had wanted to look for some cute sheepy decorating and gifty items, but didn't see many in my dashes by the vendors' tents and through the two buildings. And when you weigh "luscious fiber to spin and knit" against "cute sheepy items to dust," guess which one wins out? :-)

Besides, I hope to have cute sheepy items I DON'T have to dust in some months. The four sheep I took to OFFF are in after-show quarantine together until next weekend, and yesterday morning Braveheart showed great interest in Rechel -- the first such interest I've seen him demonstrate. Just as soon as I'm sure no one caught any nasties at OFFF, Braveheart will get to meet Valentine and Dinah as well, and Brava and Bella will get pulled out -- hopefully before any buns get started in THEIR ovens!

That's it for now at . . .


  1. I think there is a rule which says that you have to purchase a sampling of fiber at any fiber related event. No sense in breaking any rules...

  2. Ohh, pretties...and the hard work is already done on them! Congrats on your fleece award :-) T.

  3. At least you don't have to send fibers to college! And they don't eat anything either.

    Hmmmm....what happened to "just four sheep"? (lol)

  4. That blue moahir is gorgeous and so is the green. The green is an interesting color, not run of the mill...beautiful.

  5. The fleece is georgous! I love that turqoise color, so pretty. It would look lovely with the black. The green is nice too! And on sale? It would have been wrong to pass it up! :)

  6. Methinks you're going to have quite a few wee lambies come spring, my friend!

    The fiber is gorgeous and shepherdchik is right and I abide by that rule. Wouldn't want to be a lawbreaker, especially you, oh responsible one!


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