Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Harvest moon

It feels like someone flipped a switch. It was summer; now it's autumn. The air has taken on a crisp quality to go with the apples that are coming on. The horses are getting fuzzy; the flies are getting "sticky." The sun is rising noticeably later, and retiring noticeably earlier. This week Braveheart started acting like a "man," and leaves started turning on Boulderneigh.
The garden is still producing and the flowers are still blooming, but I know those pleasures will soon be coming to an end.
Polarfleece, jackets and sweaters have a new appeal. I guess my timing is perfect; I finished my second mini-cardigan this week -- and it fits! I chose to forego the buttons and button holes; I have yet to decide whether I'm going to add some kind of closure. I wore it like this today, and enjoyed it very much.The brown I used as a contrast color is slightly different than on the first one, but it will still coordinate with the brown moleskin skirt I plan to wear with it. (The delayed shutter on my inexpensive digital camera is pretty nifty!)

That's it for now at . . .


  1. Ha - I took the VERY SAME picture of the moon yesterday too! Love your dahlias - next year I have to get in gear and get some planted - Only two came back up from last year this time. Your new sweater is very cute. Good job! T.

  2. Love the pictures of the flowers. They do look so fallish. Autumn is slow to come here. Its been mostly hot and dry and the trees aren't noticeably turning yet. We did get some rain and cooler temps are here for a few days.
    I absolutely love the sweater, and I think it fits you much better than the other one. It just looks very comfy. Good job!

  3. The new sweater looks great & and seems to be a better fit. I love the contrast in the colors. Looks like it could get some good wear.

  4. I really like the drape of the mini-sweater. It covers what gets cold, and who ever buttons a sweater anyway??

  5. Your cardigan looks great! Too bad we can't see your face!

  6. Yes, you tall skinny people look good in anything! The sweater is great!

    My dahlias are toast! And all the boys are feelin' their oats as well. You can definitely tell their hormones are working!

  7. Michelle: I lost your address. I have your yarn ready to mail. Becca

  8. Love the mini-cardi! If I ver finish making things for other people, I might just make one for myself.

    Fall is arriving in its own way here in the desert. We are hitting the fifties at night and yesterday I had the windows open the entire day, no AC! Nirvana!

  9. Wow, Michelle-that sweater is really great. It's perfect for natural Shetland. Nice work! I think I want one...

  10. It's beautiful and I would leave it as is.

    I am adding you on my favorites blogroll BTW.


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