Monday, November 18, 2024

Choosing what to focus on

On November 6, I decided to start posting a pretty/peaceful/positive photo a day to Instagram (and sharing it on Facebook). Looking for said photo opportunities is keeping me grounded when the world around me is tempest tossed. Sometimes I see something that begs repeating (like a WWII PSA reel), but there's no point. I'd either be preaching to/commiserating with the choir (surprisingly unsatisfying), or provoking the rest (though never provoking thought, just reaction 🙄). As I commented on Leigh's blog, "I don't spend much time analyzing 'the world and its ways;' I live in it but that is not where my security or future is. I've read the end of the book; it's going to get a lot worse before the ultimate 'better.'" So I cling to the truth of which I testified like a flotation device, look for beauty in God's creation, and remind myself to aid "the least of these." In addition, having animals gets me outside and moving, which also helps my mood/attitude if not my knees. (MRIs of both knees are scheduled for November 26; appointment with Portland clinic is on December 5).
What say you? Should I post all my daily photos here on my blog as well? (I thought I had a link to my Instagram account at right but it seems to have disappeared; you can access it here, no need to have an account). You know I usually make and save more than one photo a day; I could share the others here and leave the daily photos there, or share all of them here. Or?

Right now you get what you get, as these are the only photos I had already moved to my laptop from my iPhone. Our internet is temporarily down at home and I have too much else to do to stay here at work for the wi-fi any longer. Give me your feedback so I know what to post when next I can!

That's it for now from . . .


  1. It's always so nice to get a new post from you!
    The picture of Poppy is very good. Of course, she's very photogenic!
    Is that Brian crouched down in the second picture?
    Your sheep always look so cute in their coats!

  2. Well, when I click on your instagram link, it tells me the account is private and I have to sign up to access. Maybe they changed your settings during a site update?

    Thank you for the shout out! I so agree with you to just press on. Used to be saying something was considered important, but it seems our nation has become so polarized that it only leads to more negativity. And you're right, it's based on emotional bias rather than reality. Like you, I'm thankful my sense of purpose and security doesn't like in the opinions of humans.

  3. Call me old fashioned, but I stopped using instagram, and everything but facebook, and I limit it in a large way. I just found them time wasters. I do read the blogs, because I am usually up to posting a blogpost.

  4. I always read blogs first. Instagram is maybe a twice a month afterthought. Thank you for taking the time to post!

  5. I enjoy your catch up posts as well, so hold those as a fall back if you need to.

  6. I enjoy reading your posts, love the pics, country & flowers I’m not familiar with, plus your sheep, horses & pets, often learning something too. Blogging takes time & effort, but is appreciated as I don’t use any other social media. WI Dee

  7. I don't regularly look at Instagram, and I love seeing posts from you here, so I vote for reposting those pictures here!

  8. I'm happy with whatever works best for you. Since I follow you on the Gram, I see some photos twice, but I don't care - they are always nice to see again :-) And I'm sorry about your knees, but I'm glad you're getting the MRIs. I know they cost alot. :-S I'm also glad you're seeing someone at that Portland clinic - I'm guessing an orthopedic surgeon. Sending you positive energy for whatever choices might need to be made regarding your knees. I think you know that I got a cortisone shot in each of mine back in April. I didn't what them, but I have to say they have made my life a LOT more bearable and I'm not in constant pain any longer. Hang in. This will all get figured out :-)

  9. I enjoy all that you have to post right here.

  10. Wow, a lot more of you than usual commented with feedback; thank you! Sounds like the general consensus is for all my photos to appear here, so I will get to work moving them from iPhone to laptop. That's part of the reason I like Instagram; I post there from my phone so it is quick and easy. I certainly don't keep up with all the accounts I 'follow' there, because as PWaH said, it would take too much time. I find FB an even more annoying "rabbit hole" so rarely look at ANYthing there, except to respond to comments on my own posts shared from Instagram. And Leigh, you're right; when I tested my own hot link just before this response, it says my account is private so you'd have to sign up or check in. Another reason to post all photos here.

    Jeanne, yes, that is Brian in an increasingly rare moment of tenderness with one of my sheep.

    A, the Portland clinic MD will review my MRIs (I'm taking the images with me on a CD) and give me his best recommendation for treatment options, of which (for that clinic) surgery would be a last resort. We will also ask Rick's BIL, an ortho trauma surgeon, to give us a second opinion on the images. The clinic's treatment options are very expensive and not covered by insurance so I doubt I will avail myself of them, so I'm mostly going for a diagnosis. Injections may be an option.

    1. That's odd that a clinic's treatments wouldn't be covered by insurance. Is it a specialty clinic of some sort? At least you will be able to talk to someone and it's excellent that Rick's BIL is an ortho guy. He will likely have the best info for you.

  11. A, maybe you missed this post?

    1. I didn't, but I DID miss the part about it being the type of clinic it is. At least you can get an opinion there. Is Ric's BIL close to you guys?? (I'm crossing my fingers . . . )

  12. Wise words on focus. I need to do better at that.

  13. A, no, Rick's BIL is in Colorado but we can send my MRI images to him for an opinion.

    Elaine, it takes effort and determination, but is so much better for us in all ways, IMHO.


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