Friday, November 03, 2023


It continues to be a perfectly normal and lovely fall here. We've had rain and sun and frost and fog, dollops of fall color and glimpses of the gorgeous light that illuminates the landscape just so this time of year.

This morning for the first time I heard the drone of helicopters indicating Christmas tree harvest. We were spared the 'grape wars' this fall; the wineries harvested their grapes all in a rush before the first heavy rains so never turned on the propane cannons, deer and bird distress calls to protect their ripening crop. Great chevrons of geese have been seen and heard overhead, and now the starlings are gathering in great, noisy flocks. I hope I get to watch some murmurations!

Bijou and Bench are back to batching it in the Ram-ada Inn; Bridget and Blaise are back with the other girls. I decided to leave Sanson with Broadway and Boop for now because 1) he's tried to bash the other two boys through the dividing panel and 2) Boop and Broadway are still mean girls. The three of them cohabitant peacefully, but I'm afraid they would all be bullies to their new 'roommates' if I separated them.

I've been keeping up with blowing leaves out of the arena and sweeping off the concrete around the house so far, which feels good. It's ever so much easier to do in manageable 'bites' than waiting until all the leaves drop – though there are still a LOT of leaves to drop!

Finally, yesterday I spotted this pretty little snake crossing the wet driveway. Seems awfully late, wet, and cool for it to be out and about – it's November and almost the end of Daylight Savings Time, for pity's sake!

That's it for now from . . .


  1. We are expecting a warmer/dryer winter here this year due to El Nino. It has warmed up again after snow/ice on Halloween. I'm about to get out for a walk in the sunshine!

  2. A, I know it's supposes to be a big El Nino year, but I'm so glad it's not showing itself here so far!

  3. We really do need rain in western Oregon! I keep praying for more rain!

  4. We've gotten a decent amount of rain here so far, Jeanne!

  5. I checked our rain gauge this morning and was pleased to find 1.9" in it!!

    I enjoyed your blog post very much! Beautiful pictures!

    I hope all of your critters do well.


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