Sunday, April 10, 2022

Spring sprang a leak

Our weather has gone from warm and sunny to cold and rainy. Yay for more moisture in the ground and snow in the mountains, and enough wood left to keep a fire going in the fireplace insert! I feel a kettle or two of hearty stews coming on for this week's menu....
I got some good pictures of the flock yesterday before the weather turned wet, but thought you might need a break from the barrage of flock photos. So after Bling's afternoon bottle, I walked around and shot soggy flowers:

Then I went inside for a hot drink!

That's it for today from . . .


  1. Michelle, your flowers are lovely! I especially like that gorgeous daffodil. I would love to have some like that. Some daffodils don't last too many years. But there in one near our fence that has bloomed every year since we move here in 1994. It's amazing.

    We've had rain here, too, for which we are very thankful.

  2. Jeanne, that daffodil is called Tahiti and is one of the last to bloom. All the daffodils we have seem to last forever – and spread!

  3. I love seeing your flowers. And, believe it or not, it's warmer here today than where you are.

  4. Your flowers are a couple of weeks ahead of me. Love the pics! Here, it was 88F Tuesday with 60 mph winds and big storms. Today, it is 26F as I write, with a high in the 40's. Low 20's to teens this week and next. That's probably the end of the apricot and plums for this year. Animal pics are always appreciated, too. Cheers

  5. Love the white flowers the best.


  6. Te temperature here is up and down too. It was 19° yesterday but due to drop to about 9° today or tomorrow. With added rain. I don't mind the rain though, as that's what makes it green and lush here. The spring flowers are beautiful!


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