Tuesday, March 01, 2022


Wanna see what "radio-surgery" looks like? I followed Dad into the treatment room on Monday, where they got him on the table,  covered him with warmed blankets, and bolted his masked head in place. That big machine hovering over the male tech spins around to orient to the three targets on Dad's mask; I didn't stay for that.

After Dad's third and last radiation treatment Monday, the staff clapped and cheered, pinning a daffodil to his vest. Yes, he got to keep the mask as a souvenir!

Now the predicted fatigue is setting in, although not yet as bad as his doctor warned it could get. This last week that I'm here could end up being pretty quiet. Today is quiet because the handymen who started the bathroom remodel yesterday had to be elsewhere. Hope they can still finish by the end of the week as estimated. And I hope Dad has some quality months left after the post-radiation fatigue, for all our sakes. My step-brother has arranged a ride up this weekend for a short visit (he lives in a nursing home six hours away), and my sister is driving down from Lincoln, NE with her boy less than a week after I leave. She and I will be coming back for visits as often as we can; I already have a plane reservation for two weeks in late April to early May.

This is the fourth turtle I've finished here

Today I finished spinning the last of the fiber I brought with me so of course I did the only sensible thing – I ordered more. Actually, my sister ordered it because she has Amazon Prime – and then wouldn't let me pay for it. She said it was a little thank-you for all I'm doing here. She has been a huge help as well, researching things, sending links, ordering things (like a bedside commode and wheelchair, not just my fiber 😉), and most of all giving me a ton of emotional support, empathy, and a chance to laugh at some of the absurdities that have been a part of all this.

If I let myself dwell on things at home – my dog not getting fed because the two men in the house each assumed the other was doing it; my horses – particularly my young, hot mare – not getting turned out; my ewe(s) that are on the verge of lambing; all my houseplants that are possibly/probably dead; I would be an emotional wreck. No dwelling; it is what it is.

Last night I caught some color through one of the windows, so grabbed my iPhone and headed outside to capture this:

As I moved to catch a better view, I started up a jackrabbit. Aw, fond memories of my adolescence here; I love these fast, flighty creatures. I tried for a photo in the fading light, and was surprised to catch an almost-recognizable image as s/he bounded across the field:

That's another update far, far from . . .


  1. Michelle ~

    My heart and prayers are with you and your family. Having had radiation for Cancer similar to your Dads, I can tell you that the fatigue doesn’t last as long as what the doctors tell you. However, everyone is different. Things at home will work themselves out so no point in worrying. Your spinning is beautiful, as it always is.


  2. Hang in there, dear girl. Give you Dad a hug from me, please.

  3. Thanks for sharing, Kim; we will hope that the fatigue isn't as bad as the "four weeks, maybe longer, of SERIOUS fatigue, like having the flu" that the doctor warned about. So far, it isn't. But then again, Dad is 84....

    Thank you, Sue; we'll all hanging in there and I know Dad will appreciate the hug.

  4. How hard it is to live so far away and to be torn between the needs of your home and the needs of your parents. But you can only do what you can do. Hopefully your husband and son will adjust to their added to-dos.

  5. My thoughts are with you, Michelle. Glad more fiber is coming.

  6. Sending hugs and prayers, too, Michelle. I'm glad your dad's mask wasn't like my friend's one; hers covered her entire face!

    Your sunset photos are lovely, and like others, I hope that your hubby and son take care of everything that's precious to you.

    I'm glad you got more fiber to spin!

  7. Michelle, I continue to pray for your dad and mom, AND you! Thanks for the pictures. I had no idea what the mask would look like on your dad. I hope the guys come back soon to complete the work on the bathroom!

    I have an idea that Poppy is being well cared for. She's probably lonely, though, and Stella, as well.

    How nice of your sister to send you, at no cost, some fiber. What color did you get?

    God's blessings!

  8. You’ve been much on my heart and in my prayers. It’s good that you’ve been able to be there for your parents during the devastating news and his RT. Due to having “only” a few treatments he might not feel a great deal of fatigue. It seems to be an accumulated thing. But, as others have pointed out, everyone is different.


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