Monday, January 17, 2022

Date nights, big and little

Last Tuesday, Rick took me to a concert. Rick plays guitar, so when he learned that Tommy Emmanuel was coming to Portland he got tickets. With masks and proof of vaccination required, we had no concerns about being in the packed Aladdin Theater in Portland, where we sat in the balcony:

I recorded some snippets of various pieces to share and return to, but didn't capture any of the really fast and furious or percussive pieces that you see in a couple of the photos.

It was REALLY GOOD. Brit Mike Dawes opened for Tommy and played with him, too; both of them are so talented and clearly had fun. Whoever did the lights definitely enhanced the experience. (Saturday night it was Brian's turn; Rick took him to a gospel quartet concert while I enjoyed a quiet night at home.)

Then last night, Brian brought Chuckie in for a little date night of his own. I think they needed a room; notice all the drool on Chuckie's foreleg and Brian's sleeve. 🙄🤣

Have you enjoyed any date nights yet in 2022?

That's it from . . .


  1. My husband plays the guitar too, but none of his or my kids are musical. That is great that your son is, and a cat lover as well. A date night will be a while yet as the mask mandate is still in effect even though the masks are ineffective, otherwise no one would have got covid in the first place. No one thought that masks do not stop virus's, only bacteria, that is why surgeons were them, to protect from bacteria. But we were happy to go into our local supermarket now with out them enforcing masks, that is our date I suppose.

  2. There are masks and there are masks, Marlane, not to mention the correct and many wrong ways to wear them. My husband, who may be a veterinarian but is still a surgeon, wlll tell you that they wear masks because of ALL infectious agents, not just bacteria. Masks don't work perfectly even if worn perfectly, just as no vaccine (or birth control method!) is 100% effective. So we combine vaccines, masks, social distancing, and hand washing, for our own protection and that of others, and don't view it as an unreasonable burden any more than he does for surgery.

  3. That looks/sounds like it was a great date night for you! I’m glad you were able to go on a date and enjoy good music.
    Nice that Rick took Brian on one, too.

    People who love their cats. :)

  4. It really was a great concert, Wanda! And Chuckie is very lovable. 😊

  5. What a fun couple of evenings! Those crazy cats... :-D

  6. Well that was fun!! Such talent! And I love that your son loves cats. That Chuckie is a very affectionate cat. Aja can be affectionate and she does drool as well, but when it gets to much for her she just leaves.

  7. I'm really glad you and Rick had such a great date night! To bad we couldn't all attend something like that! Live music is such fun!

    I hope Brian enjoyed his night out, too!

  8. Oh, my heart is so happy for Chuckie!!! That Little Rock Star is so darn happy to be snuggled by Brian! Thanks so much for sharing that blissful exchange….made my day!

  9. So glad you got a night out! :-)

  10. Elaine, my son loves any animal that acts like it loves HIM, and Chuckie is very affectionate.

    I think all of us enjoyed our events, Jeanne!

    You're welcome, wyomingheart. 😊

    It was so much better than I anticipated, A!


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