Thursday, May 06, 2021

The bombing of Berlin ;-)

I'm about to bomb you with photos – and a video!

After saying yesterday that I needed to work harder at getting good photos of Berlin, I did just that. To better my chances, I haltered Vienna and tied her to the gate so she couldn't lead her 'precious' far, far away from me into the tall grass. Then I plopped myself down on the ground and shot away. (One of the keys to getting a few great photos is to take a TON of them. 😉) When Berlin showed an affinity for the base of the big maple, I switched to video mode – and caught a great leap!

I hope you enjoyed this peacetime bombing from . . .


  1. Oh my gosh she's SO. CUTE. :-D And that leap at the end was spectacular! :-)

  2. I was pretty chuffed to have captured that, A!

  3. Oh my much we have laughed at that video! Devine !

  4. So sweet! Quite a looker. I loved the lamb leap. I love it when my kids do it too.

  5. Too much fun. A beautiful lamb for sure. They grow so fast. She looks bigger to me already.

  6. Oh, WOW!! Is she ever gorgeous!! I have already watched that little leap video more than once, and will do it again! So adorable!!

    Thank you so much for taking the time to do all those photos, and the darling video!

  7. So glad you enjoyed it, wyomingheart! (I have a bunch of Chuckie photos coming up, just for YOU!)

    Lambs and kids are delightful bouncers, aren't they, Leigh?

    Yes, she is growing, Elaine. I think she's ready to run with the rest of the girls in the fold now; taking down the lamb jug panels is on my list today.

    Jeanne, I took the time as much for myself as for my blog; it was a joy!

  8. I just took the chance I had to show all the pictures to my daughter. She's impressed, and loved the video, too!


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