Wednesday, December 30, 2020


The chickens haven't laid an egg since Christmas Day; we haven't had water in two days and counting; we'll be paying for everything but a new well – pipe, wiring and pump; rain has moved in for the foreseeable future; the son is sullen and unhelpful; I had to make a college down payment today in order for said son to leave soon; and the dog just threw up. Add in the sadness I feel over the Facebook memories popping up showing pictures from my parents' last visit three years ago and their current crisis caring for my step-brother. Can I just go pull the covers over my head until 2021?


  1. Aww hang in there Michelle.

  2. Oh, shoot! Doesn't it seem like sometimes EVERYTHING happens at once? Times like these really test our faith that all will turn out okay. Lots of us out here thinking of you, Michelle, and hoping things take a turn for the (much!) better soon. Hugs.

  3. Oh Michelle, maybe bury your head for a while, but not too long. Does the young man have mono? Or just teenage sullenness? Either way, you’ll work it out. All that new well gear....what a mess. You have every reason to hide from the world. I can’t make it all better, but I can stand beside you and be there, if only in spirit. And I can pray.

  4. There are times when we have to remember, that there are bitter days, and there are sweet days! I will be sending you a giant spoon of sugar to start that sweet day for you! Momma used to say,” God will never give you more than you can handle.”, but boy howdy has that ever been tested several times in my life. Hang in there, friend! The sun will shine soon!

  5. Oh wow - the well stuff sounds expensive. I'm sorry, and I sure hope you have water by now. Hang in, 2020 is nearly in the rearview mirror.

  6. There's no other choice, Marlane.

    Mama Pea, if we could just collect some of the water that's been falling today, even to flush toilets, that would help. Having a dirty house, dirty dishes, dirty clothes, and dirty self makes one feel . . . DIRTY. Then there are all the animals....

    Me, too, Sharrie!

    Kim, I don't think Brian has mono, either; the symptoms abated too quickly. We'll take all the prayers we can get, especially for him.

    Can you sent water instead of sugar, wyomingheart???

    Yes, A, the well stuff is going to be very expensive. If everything goes perfectly, we will have water sometime tomorrow, but I'm not sure we or the animals will be able to drink it right away. The well guys will put powdered bleach in the well to kill any microbes introduced during the work, and that will have to be flushed out.

  7. 2020 can’t leave FAST ENOUGH I say!!! As I write there are less than 24 hours of it left. Next year has to be better!! Just keep putting one step in front of the other!!

  8. If there was ever anything that would get my grandfather to flare up in arms, it would be to suggest to him that since he lived in the country and had his own well - he got 'FREE' water! "Free, Hell!" he would say! Well, he was right, and don't we both know it.

    Mother nature has a way of knocking the cockieness out of us by forcing us to just live life. That goes for teenage boys, too. Be patient. Better times will come.

  9. I'm so sorry it all seems to be heaping itself on your head at one time. Just approach it like eating that elephant, one bite at a time. Hugs

  10. Some days it just seems like everything goes wrong, doesn't it! I pray that things (ALL of them!) Will soon improve. I imagine you are hauling water in... From somewhere. I'm so sorry about all of this, and I'll continue to pray for you.

  11. I don't know if 2021 will be better or not, Elaine, but hopefully the well 'fix' will last the rest of our life here!

    Considering the well pump was a 1988 model, I guess it was time, Tim. I am really thankful that the well itself is still good; since it is not a big producer I have worried about it with all the houses that have gone in around us since we bought this place in 1995. Trying to be patient; it's really hard in the face of unpleasantness.

    Sue, I think I've coped with this singular year fairly well. But not having water is a very insecure feeling, and I wasn't dealing well with that at all.

    Jeanne, the neighbors that have been using our daylight basement let us fill jugs and a 50-gallon drum at their place, and Rick and Brian went to my MIL's for showers (she's gone for the holidays). It could have been worse.


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