Saturday, April 18, 2020

Poppy's floppy foot

Tuesday morning Poppy took her usual "sunshine constitutional," well-worn splint in plain view:

At her appointment that afternoon, she got her final puppy shots and an x-ray. Joy of joys, all three of her broken ankle bones (I have mistakenly said Poppy had broken toes) have healed! She was delivered back to my car with the leg bandaged for support, but was told it may not stay on well and not to worry about it if it didn't. (While sitting in the vet's office parking lot, I called a canine rehab clinic that's in the same town to see if I could get Poppy in right away. Years ago I had designed a brochure for that business, and it occurred to me that the owner might need some more graphics work so I could trade out some physical therapy for Poppy. The owner was indeed interested; oh, blessings! But that day didn't work; I'm taking Poppy in for her first appointment next Tuesday.)

Once home, a nap was in order; all that stress was tiring!

 Once awake, she got to work "remodeling" the wrap, exposing toes she hadn't been able to investigate for over eight weeks.

On Thursday Brian was wrestling around with me. Poppy was in the midst of the action, as usual, and somehow her bandage worked halfway down her leg. So Brian held her and I cut it off. I was prepared for the atrophy; what shocked me was the complete laxity of her right paw. It just flops; we've taken to calling it Poppy's Floppy.

I took a video to show it, not intending to use the slo-mo function, but here it is:

It is concerning, but we're giving it some time. Physical therapy should also be helpful. In the meantime, Poppy's Floppy doesn't slow her down much. (She loves to steal tissues; the fluffy pink blossoms from our flowering cherry look like pink tissues.)

It's so nice to not have to worry about keeping a splint dry and/or protected anymore; I can snap her leash on and take her out with me any time. And if she gets interested in a smell or starts playing with us or Chuckie, she does use her Floppy, which is good therapy in and of itself. Onward and forward!

That's the Poppy's Floppy report from . . .


  1. Oh, gosh, I winced once or twice watching the video of that floppy front foot. I guess I thought she was going to put weight on it while it was in an awkward position! As you say, though, it does not slow her down (how adaptable animals are!) and the more she uses it, along with therapy, the faster she'll return to normal and no more Poppy's Floppy!

  2. It IS pretty disturbing, Mama Pea, but she does have feeling in it so we're hoping there's no nerve damage.

  3. It hurts my heart to see her floppy!! Sure hope it improves quickly.

  4. Many years ago, I had a puppy Poppy's age who got kicked by a horse and his back leg was broken in 3 places. He had a full-length cast with a big hoop, etc. His leg looked awful when it came off, but it improved within days and was totally normal within a couple of weeks. This was before doggy rehab even existed, but that pup was 100% in no time. Poppy is young and fit and that leg will be good as new in no time!

  5. Mine, too and me, too, FFG!

    That is very encouraging, Chris; thanks!

  6. Animals are so adaptable. They just keep going on - even if it is only on 3 legs instead of 4. Hopefully she will forget more and more and place more weight on that leg.

  7. Aww. She's probably so used to favoring it and not using it that she just doesn't. The bandage was a support that's gone now, but she's so full of life I'd guess she'll soon forget about it and be back to normal. The rehab will help with that. Plus her loving family!

  8. Here's for Poppy's full recovery. I'm betting she'll be back right as rain. Give it time; she's not had it to use for nearly all her life, after all.

    And my what an absolutely beautiful dog! Poppy has 'double eyes' just like my Annie. Have all the fun with Poppy that you can!

    Cheers, from Oakdale Farm

  9. We do what we can to encourage that forgetting, Elaine.

    She wasn't favoring it when it was splinted, Leigh, but like you said, that support is gone now. I don't think it hurts her, but I could be wrong.

    Certainly HALF her life, Tim! Everyone who sees her comments on what a sharp-looking dog she is; she is eye-catching, that's for sure. And she is a sweetheart, too!

  10. Great news that the fractures are healed and the splint is off. I sure hope she gets her strength back.

  11. Well, Ratzenphooies!! I didn't get the one called Poppy's floppy! I'm glad you mentioned it to me Michelle! I had to go to the previous one and look for Newer Post in order to read it! I surely hope the next one comes on its own!

    I'm sorry her leg is floppy and hope and pray that it will heal quickly.

  12. Good news on the Poppy front! And good news about being able to barter some with the therapy.


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