Saturday, April 04, 2020

I think the dog needs her own blog 😏

Seriously, folks; I have so many photos piling up in my "blog photos" folder that my laptop is in danger of exploding! Is taking more photos my coping mechanism in this time of social distancing???
Cats are generally good at social distancing

Or is the current crisis contributing to "writer's block" while the usual number of photos pile up like blowing snow in a Texas Panhandle winter storm?

I think it is a combination of writer's block and more photos, thanks to the two photogenic additions to the farm this year. But even with a dedicated horse blog that Stella can star in, Dances With Horses doesn't get enough attention; starting a third blog just for Poppy isn't realistic. So I'll just have to do another post with just Poppy pictures from the last few days.... What did I do when I had adorable lambs born here every spring? 

Speaking of lambs, the lady who leased Blake sent me two more photos. The twin ram lambs are now two weeks old; the little black ewe lamb was born on March 24, along with a stillborn twin. Interesting how the ram lambs look more like Babydolls and the ewe lamb looks more like a Shetland.

Back to the horses. Since Brian graded the arena it's been pretty wet so I haven't wanted to use it. I can ride Lance down the gravel road, but Stella wasn't getting as much exercise as she's used to. Wednesday I decided to attempt 'ponying' her from Lance. Ever since Lance chased Stella so aggressively around the arena, I wasn't sure he could be safely used to lead her from horseback, and was hesitant to try without an assistant. But I haven't been able to enlist an assistant, so I forged ahead alone. I managed to mount Lance while holding Stella's lead rope, and we walked up and down the driveway several times without incident.
The next day the arena footing was dry enough to walk on, so I ponied Stella off Lance again, with more progress. I wouldn't want to try it off-property unless Lance was wearing a Western saddle with a horn to dally on, but I'm thrilled to have this option to work my horses together. I need to do a longer post on this over on the horse blog....

Moving on to things seen around the property lately.

Deer checking out the old rope swing:

Things in bloom:

Photo-bombing Chuckie

That Chuckie; he's everywhere, seeking attention from us or interaction with Poppy. You can see why I no longer fill the bird feeder!

Fortunately, he wasn't around when a bluebird used it as a perch. We've had a pair hanging around for several weeks; I can't tell if they are setting up housekeeping in one of our nest boxes.

Earlier this week an acquaintance messaged me. Did I know anyone looking for a Decker rat terrier? (I assumed she asked because we follow each other on Instagram so she's seen Poppy.) Her family had 'repossessed' a Decker they had acquired as a puppy. They got Finn from someone who mistakenly thought a Decker pup would make a good office companion (ha!), but he was a chicken-killer so they found a different home for him. After 8-9 years, that lady moved and couldn't take Finn, so my acquaintance agreed to take him back.  He no longer bothered chickens or other livestock, but he wasn't working out with her other dog and young daughter. Hmm; might he be a good playmate for Poppy? I went over to meet Finn after work on Thursday, even though I doubted Rick would agree, and met an intense bundle of solid muscle.

Remembering Poppy's broken splint and the atrophied twig of a leg it's supposed to protect, I decided that Finn might be too much playmate for Poppy right now. In another month it might be a different story; we'll wait and see if he's still available then.

Finn might also be too much for our home, given the adaptive measures we're already had to take:

Yes, that is an x-pen around Rick's recliner. Poppy has a penchant for the books and magazines/catalogs Rick likes to keep beside his chair, for the potting soil of the two big houseplants behind Rick's chair, and more recently, for the chair itself. Sigh....

That dirt got vacuumed up yesterday in preparation for Sabbath. I also prepared a special dinner for Sabbath as usual, even though we are staying home to stay safe. I pulled currents out of the freezer to make a pie for dessert,

using a purchased pie crust since I struggle with that particular skill. Every once in awhile, Grocery Outlet gets a brand I'm comfortable using, and I grab as many as I have refrigerator room and budget for.

Our entree was Butternut Squash Lasagna from the one recipe site I rely on most. My son positively swoons over this dish!
A generous side of steamed fresh broccoli completed our meal.

Before the rain started, Rick and I took Poppy for a walk down the gravel lane and back. As we neared home, I noticed a light-colored bird among the robins on a neighbor's lot. It was shaped like a robin, and acted like a robin . . . and when it turned just right, I could see a robin's red breast. Hot dog; it's a leucistic robin!

It's harder to detect against the sky; it's the one closest to the power pole
Sorry; that's the best my iPhone 8 can do. When we got home Rick grabbed his DSLR and big telephoto lens and went back to look for it, but it had moved on.

Finally, this is the pretty roving I'm spinning for April:

That's it for the unPoppified post from . . .


  1. I love the puppy and Chuckie pictures. I've always liked the Chuckie Channel - it reminds me of my old cat in his heyday - and who doesn't like puppy pictures? Indulge away!

  2. Had to laugh at the gate picture. I have free standing plastic gates so I can split my condo in half when I have dogs who are not getting along. Rags the English Bull Dog and Milo the French Bull Dog are not good together. Normally they aren't in the condo together but on events like Christmas, when both my kids are here - so are the dogs. The gates are the only way to keep the peace!

  3. Thank you for the Rock Star update...just love that Chuckie Superstar!!!! Your photos are very soothing and as far as I’m concerned, you can post as many pictures of your babies as you want... it’s just simple goodness for the 👀 eyes!!! Thanks for sharing!

  4. A leucistic robin hanging out in the neighborhood here a couple of weeks back. One day it was actually snowing and huge flakes were coming down when I saw it. Took pictures with my phone but don't show well. I saw it a couple of days so you may want to take the good camera and try again today. Finn looks like an intense dude. It is so nice to see things blooming and cheerful.

  5. Thanks for the vote of picture-overload confidence, Amanda!

    That's pretty generous, Elaine. Most people would just lock them in separate rooms!

    So very nice of you to say, wyomingheart; you're welcome!

    I don't have a good camera anymore, FFG, and I'm not that familiar with Rick's big model. Yes, Finn seems intense, good-enough natured but constantly moving and checking things. They say he's dominant, so he might not put up with Poppy's puppy antics well.

  6. Well, it's good to learn something every day! I've never seen or heard of a leucistic robin! I had to take a few minutes and look it up! Most fascinating! Thanks for sharing it.

    From the sounds of things, I don't think Finn would be a good companion for Poppy. I hope they are able to find a place for him.

    I keep the door to my bedroom blocked with an unused, still flat, cardboard box. I don't want to close the door and cut off the air circulation, but I can't let the cat be in my room and likely on my bed, since I'm allergic to her. It also keeps little Rico out of there, so he can't get into mischief.

  7. You have Grocery Outlet? I used to shop there all the time until they closed them all down here.

    You'll really enjoy all those Poppy pictures years from now when she's all grown up. It's like baby pictures, you can never have too many. :)


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