Monday, March 02, 2020

March: Light, camera, action!

I take a lot of photos of Poppy napping, because just like children, puppies look so uncharacteristically angelic when they're sleeping – ha!

That, and Poppy moves fast when she's awake. But March definitely came in like a lamb yesterday (following much of February's lead) so I spent time outside with Poppy and her pal Chuckie and got some choice photo and video opportunities, starting with coming up from morning barn chores:

With the drier weather (for the splint) and growing understanding on her part (to ask to go out and come back in) we've been able to let Poppy outside off-lead sometimes, which makes for even better photos.

What's even better than action shots? Video!

As you can see, Chuckie initiates their play just as much as Poppy does. What a special cat; what a fun relationship to witness!

Last night was also splint-changing time. Last Sunday there was no way to get photos, as Poppy struggled too much. Last night she was more cooperative, and Brian got a photo with my iPhone. Poor little atrophied leg. 😢 (I'm holding the splint along with her leg.)
Everything had gotten too wet – and therefore smelly – in my efforts to let her have more exercise and freedom. Rick gently cleaned her leg and rewrapped it with fresh materials. Oh, to see it healed and free, and caught up to its mate in strength and muscling! Today a friend suggested that swimming might be good therapy when that time comes. I think that sounds like an excellent idea, and I'm sure we can make a suitable pool out of a stock tank.

I took lots of cute sleeping photos of Poppy today, which I'll hopefully be able to post tomorrow.

That's March off the blocks from . . .


  1. Chuckie probably thinks you got Poppy as his pet! hahaha!! You know cats. It is allll about them!! It is so great they are friends. And that leg will catch up. He will probably be a bit limpy at first, but in no time he will be running around just like before with no cast. Yes, water therapy is a great idea.

  2. You might add in some Coat Defense powder when you rebandage next. I think that's the name. Usually advertised for horses, but they have a dog version as well. She sure is cute :-).

  3. I hope she never grows into those ears - that photo of her napping with Brian looking on is so sweet. How nice for Chuckie to have a playmate!

  4. Kathryn Dahn3/3/20, 7:44 AM

    Chuckie just might turn me into a cat person! What an adorable pair.

  5. Chuckie did want to interact with Dozer and Jackson more than they wanted to interact with him, Elaine, so maybe he does think Poppy is just for him!

    I'll ask Rick about that, Sara; thanks for the suggestion!

    Susan, I was looking at a photo of her mom recently and realized the pups DO grow into their ears somewhat, but never fear, they are always a prominent feature. ;-)

    Kathryn, I'm not an Indoor cat person (whereas I want a dog to be wherever I am), but they wonderful creatures in their own way.

  6. Oh my! Is it ever fun, watching Poppy and Chuckie playing! Thanks for sharing the pictures and the videos!

    My daughter's new young service-dog-in-training has ears very much like Poppy's, except for the color. He's such a sweet little rascal.

    Is this the third week of wearing the splint for Poppy? It's hard to think of her having so much time to go, yet...

  7. Poppy certainly has grown! I sure her little foot will heal well and quickly :-)

  8. The photograph of her napping with Brian looking on her is so sweet. How cute for Chuckie to have a playmate! It’s so fun, watching Poppy and Chuckie playing! Thanks for sharing the pictures and the videos! Waiting for more pictures of poppy !! Hope she will be healed soon.

  9. Poppy is adorable, Michelle. But why is her leg in splints? From your photos, I can see that Poppy and Chuckie are getting along well. A stray dog and cat have become permanent residents at my building. They get along pretty well. But the cat's a little bossy.

  10. Jeanne, she wore a splint for half her life, but now we're moving on.

    A, she's over 20# now! (She was around 6# when we got her.)

    Vasan, my horse stepped on her and broke three bones in her ankle. :'-( But they are all healed now, and she's out of the cast and doing physical therapy.


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