Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Getting behinder as I go hurrier

For some reason, raising Poppy brings back vivid memories – not of puppy Jackson, but of baby Brian – after the walking commenced and before the naps ended. His every waking hour required my participation or supervision; his every sleeping moment was a too-short opportunity to take care of everything else in my life. (Yeah, those people who tell you to "nap when baby naps" must have household staff. 🙄) Doesn't leave much downtime, that's for sure, and it turns out that lack of downtime can be every bit as exhausting as lack of sleep! But this, too, shall pass, and I am trying to enjoy every minute – as evidenced by all the photos. 😍

So, the house concert was wonderful and Poppy and her sister Penny were purgatory on paws it sounds like – after they came to an understanding within the first few minutes. I was appalled when I put Poppy down in our friends' yard and my lean, mean fighting machine pounced on her stouter sister with a very adult-sounding growl, clearly intending to BE.THE.BOSS! After Penny recovered from her shock she quickly disabused Poppy of her domination dreams, and they ran off to explore together.

By Monday's sunrise, Poppy was rarin' to go again. Lucky for her, my work day was cut short by bank problems. After running a couple errands we had plenty of time to play at home before picking up Brian.

Don't worry; Chuckie can call "time out" whenever he wants.

I was feeling a little sad that this pup pays little heed to me, and decided to DO something about it. I got some wee pieces of cheese and started playing recall games with her. Success; I was suddenly Poppy's Pied Piper!
"Did you say 'Come'???"
Just that quickly, this smart little puppy (eight weeks old on Monday) is a total recall rock star in the house. Outside there are still things more compelling than cheese, so I still have to keep her on a flexi-leash for safety.

On yesterday's episode of Poppy Planet:

and on the Chuckie Channel:
Click to biggity for TONGUE!

Just to prove not everything is black-and-white in my world, here is yesterday's sunrise:

and sunset (on the way to a basketball game):

And just outside our door, heavenly perfume!
Poppy is definitely growing; I noticed it this morning as she overflowed my lap:

Whew, that's a LOT from . . .


  1. Gosh, she's so cute! (We all still think you're cute, too, Chuckie.) Can't get over the way they play rough and tumble with each other.

  2. Ah, the "joys" of a terrier vs a herding dog ;-).

  3. Ahh, she's just as cute as she can be! All of the pictures are cute, but my favorite is the one with her paw on your knee looking like she's thinking "Mom? More cheese, please??!!" I loved hearing about her time with Penny!
    It's really great that Poppy and Chuckie play so well.
    The sunrise and sunset pictures are wonderful! We did get to see a beautiful sunset yesterday as we were heading home from Eugene. Of course, my cell phone doesn't do well with those beautiful colors 😢
    Thanks for sharing!

  4. Wow, she has grown! Bet she is eating like a horse - haha. And when Poppy and Chuckie are wrestling, it is hard to pick out who is who!

  5. We'll see if that continues as Poppy gets bigger and stronger, Mama Pea!

    Yes, Sara, and I do miss my herding dog desperately. But Poppy has great charms of her own and is worming (and biting!) her way into all our hearts!

    Lots more adventures to come, Jeanne; I'm glad you're enjoying them because it's fun to share our girl!

    Elaine, she has grown SO much!. She eats a lot and it's not settling around her middle, that's for sure. She's quickly outgrowing my lap and getting closer to Chuckie in dimensions if not yet weight.


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