Friday, November 01, 2019

Transition week

October packed it through the very end. Our remarkably clear and sunny weather continued, with a stiff, biting wind at first and then some frost when the wind died down. In anticipation of that frost/freezing, I headed out to our neglected garden to pick the last few tomatoes to ripen indoors and a passel of peppers. The beets, kale, and some volunteer parsley was left to harvest as needed; that will all keep better out there than in my small fridge.
Chioggia beets – and weeds
Redbor kale – and weeds
This daylily (Stella D'Oro) deserves a medal!
Icy grass in the pasture
The neighbors to our north started construction on their shop, which doesn't really factor into our view from the house. Lots of busy-ness over there, though!
I took this while riding in the arena
I took this one on our road from the NW corner of our property
Inside, I've been busy on that hat. I realized I hadn't followed the pattern and my cables were twisting too tightly,

so I ripped back to right after the first cross and then knit on with confidence...
finishing it today with less than two yards of yarn remaining. That's more "yarn chicken" than I'm used to playing, but it worked out just fine, probably because I put in a lifeline just in case. 😉

I loved on my Cheshire cat,

and rode my horse through coordinating leaf litter.

I took this series of photos of October's last sunrise:

and welcomed November/Wovember with sheep snuggles.

Wethers Bing and Bittersweet get more attention when Blake is off wooing Babydolls (it's a tough job, but someone's gotta do it!). I received this photo of him today with his current interest, Coquette, and a voyeur chicken:

The dogs are pottering along. A high point with Jackson was when he actually initiated a little playtime one evening.
While Jackson's appetite is good right now, we have to work at getting Dozer to eat.

And so it goes.

Happy November from . . .


  1. There may be some weeds, but your garden still looks green and growin'!
    Ripping out all those cables, ugh! Your pattern looks a lot like mine that I made some years ago. Mine was in ecru colored yarn, too, and I made a dark green one for my daughter.

    Keep lovin' those sheepies and doggies. (Your calico cat, too, of course. And horse. What a menagerie!) The critters add so much to our lives while they're with us.

  2. You do a great garden! I've never enjoyed that very much. You have some veggies I've never heard of. Can you describe Choggia beets? I've always loved red beets!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Oh Mama Pea, there are a LOT of weeds! I'd better harvest those beets before they get lost! Yes, we have a menagie, and I love it. 😊

    Jeanne, Chioggia beets are striped – and delicious!

  4. Those pesky weeds! Every time I turn my back, there are 3 parts weeds to 1 part vegetable. I love that kale - I don't think I've seen it before. (Your menagerie is the cutest - I just love Chuckie.)

  5. Everything looks beautiful in these photos :-)


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