Saturday, November 16, 2019

Cast-off, cast-on, and clouds

From all the cast-off leaves on the ground, it's hard to tell that we've already hauled a LOT of leaves to the compost pile.

The trees aren't the only things 'shedding.' Jackson is blowing coat like never before; hair is EVERYwhere in spite of my brushing out dozens of handfuls like this.

Yesterday afternoon while driving around I kept pulling over for clouds. I'm a sucker for spectacular skyscapes!

Today I cast on another hat. I've had this yarn and pattern paired for awhile but other things kept taking precedence. But now that I've started it, I predict it will go speedily; it's a very easy pattern. The focus here is supposed to be my Skittles-colored handspun rather than elements like cables.

That's it for now from . . .


  1. That's a lot of raking! Do you use a rake or a blower? We have a neighbor with a huge yard (over an acre) and lots of trees who uses a blower. It takes him over 5 hours to do his entire yard! I know 'cuz we get stuck with the noise!

  2. Oh to live in the woods with lots of trees - to enjoy the shade and the color - and be able to leave the leaves where they fall. End of fall can be a lot of work.

  3. I too just began two hats . One for each hand haha😂
    That pattern is perfect for the yarn . Did you spin it?
    Love the color gradient.

  4. Leigh, our old (inexpensive) blower died, so we use a combination of raking and "mowing" with the riding lawnmower/grass catcher. But Rick did rent a big backpack blower for one afternoon/evening last week to make the big dent (that you can no longer see).

    Tell me about it, Elaine. I haven't even STARTED on fall vegetable garden clean-up!

    Yes, Goatldi, that's a three-ply I spun from some gift roving this year. I'm very pleased with how it turned out! Too bad I don't wear hats....

  5. Because we have very few deciduous trees up here (near the Arctic Circle!), we don't have a lot of leaf litter to contend with. Back in Illinois where I grew up, my dear old grandpa never raked up leaves in the fall saying that they were natural fertilizer for the health and growth of the grass!

  6. Michelle, your skyscapes are beautiful!! And so are the hats-to-be! Love that yarn!

    My daughter says you should try spinning Jackson's hair! She's heard people say they've done it, and it's lovely! She has saved all on Keni's hair and plans to spin it. Keni is black and white.o

  7. In the last 7-8 years of his life, my father was obsessed with leaves. I have a more laisse faire approach - sort of like Mama Pea's grandpa. Leaves make soil. Of course, you may not want soil on your driveway... What a perfect match of yarn/hat! You did a wonderful job spinning that yarn.


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