Friday, October 18, 2019

Workin' it

The fall farm colors are workin' it – the show is changing daily.

Brian (#8) really worked it last night in a winning soccer game. He normally plays defense, but in the second half the assistant coach (the head coach was at the hospital welcoming his firstborn!) switched everyone around, allowing several (including Brian) to make a goal for the first time. I only took photos in the first half, though, before the rain settled in and we all got very wet.

Most of their games this year have been played at this city park because their school field is being renovated. It sure has made for beautiful backdrops!

Oh yeah; Chuckie knows how to work it.

And Blake, if all goes as planned, is going to 'work,' too!
My old man ram left this morning for his breeding gig after I visited his destination yesterday. I failed to get any photos of the stunning location, the cute flock of Babydoll Southdown girls (which he somewhat resembles in this photo!), or the sweet Great Pyr guardian dog who watches over them, but the Babydolls' owner sent me the photo below as soon as they got him installed. She said Goldilocks, their boss ewe, greeted him with a nose touch, so 'so far, so good'!
She said she would try to get more photos of him with his little breeding group of three (a ménage à quatre?).

Now I'd better get to work on my long Friday list!

That's it for now from . . .


  1. Hopefully he'll make lots of them, Jeanne!

  2. What bee-yew-tiful fall colors in your neck o' the woods! Almost looks as though Chuckie was posing for you in a couple of those shots. :o)

  3. Those fall colors are spectacular and thank you for sharing that rock 🌟 star, Chuckie!

  4. I'm really excited about seeing those babies!! What's the length of their gestation?


  5. Just catching up with you. What beautiful colours there are. And that Chuckie is a handsome, dapper Tuxedo cat!

  6. What a handsome cat the chuckle is. Reminds me of my first cat.

  7. Oh yes, Mama Pea; Chuckie is a poser as well as a lover – if I whip out my iPhone fast enough!

    You're welcome, Wyomingheart.

    Sheep bake for five months, Jeanne.

    Thanks for visiting, Dormouse!

    😍 Elaine.


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