Thursday, October 24, 2019

Back in my own country

Incredibly, I am typing this on my laptop. Although I don't yet know how much it will set me back (at least there's a ceiling on the amount), you can't beat the turn-around. I drove it to The Apple Store on Tuesday, and it was repaired and returned to me by FedEx in 48 hours.

During the interim I felt like I was on a voyage to Lilliput. Forced to navigate the information superhighway on the much smaller platform of my iPhone, one fat fingertip struggled to do the work of ten digits, aging eyes strained at too-small words and images. So frustrating – but thankfully short-lived. Whew! (I know; first-world problems, right?)

Pictures later from . . .


  1. Yeah, its amazing how we've come dependent on our computers. I'm the same way.

  2. When we don't have the use of our computers, it's almost like the way we feel when the electricity goes off. There's so much of our lives we can't do then!

  3. I'm sure we could survive without computers, FFG and Mama Pea, but it would surely be a different life, wouldn't it? For one thing, I would really miss my blogpals!!!


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