Wednesday, September 04, 2019

A 'few' of my favorite things... help me not feel so bad. Oy. The neighboring lot has been a beehive of activity, and it all feels like an invasion of my privacy and peace and quiet. It's not, of course, at least not intentionally. It's not the new neighbors' fault that they could afford to buy that lot and we couldn't. For many years that lot wasn't buildable under Oregon law, but things change. When we moved here, only one of the four lots bordering ours was occupied; now the final vacant lot is vacant no more. I may have to start wearing Rick's noise-cancelling headphones....

Drilling and driving and digging, oh my!

Sorry! Favorite things – favorite Fair things; that's what I'm here to share with you! (Takes a deep breath.) From preserves to pigs, quilts to caprines, there is so much to see and enjoy at the State Fair every year. Here are a few of my favorite things:

Cool hydroponics! (Probably very expensive salad.)

Falafel and...

...raspberry milkshakes. These are the only things I crave at State Fair!

Walking the bacon  pork chops hog;

this vegetarian always wonders if people make the connection.

Friend Sharon's prize-winning scarf!

The prettiest cows on the planet.

Last but not least (when I can get to it): the Draft Horse Show!

That's it for today from . . .


  1. Which of these is YOUR favorite thing – or did I miss your favorite?

  2. Yes, the sleeping piggies! Actually, all the animals. That "flag" quilt is soooo attractive. And that raspberry milkshake 'bout did me in. (No sweets or desserts around here as I'm trying to lose a little weight BEFORE winter hibernation sets in.)

    Now bring on the draft horses!

  3. Wow, what a fantastic fair you have! So many wonderful things to see (and obviously eat!) I don't think I could choose a favorite, just the whole experience would be wonderful. Our "fair" is just a loud carnival with a petting zoo. Not a true fair at all.

    I feel your pain with the "development" next door. I dread the idea of our one neighbor every selling his acreage next door. Dan asked about it once and he said he'd never sell (not that we could afford it), but I'd hate to see somebody "developing" it someday.

  4. My uncle was a dairy farmer. Had Holsteins, but bought a Jersey one time. He said it was for the butterfat content, but I think it was really because the cow was just so pretty.

  5. Arrgh!! You left out the horses! I always have to chuckle at what our 5 year old granddaughter said as she's and I looked at the draft horses. She was frightened and as i tried to calm her fears, she said "but they'll EAT ME!" She was so sweet! She's now married with three children of her own.

  6. Well I hear you on the new neighbor issue!

    I moved into a condo that has one last county farm plots in this area across the street. When we purchased this condo, the owners mentioned that the 'farm' had horses and at times you can hear the neighing. And I do. It is lovely. But my condo neighbors said that once the 'old lady" that has this plot of land dies, the land is 'promised' to developers. An office park - FOR GODS SAKE! So she has died this past spring. I still hear the horses at times. The property hasn't changed yet, but I know it is just a matter of time. Yes, sound deadening devices work -my husband owns several.

    Just remember - unless your new neighbors are an 'office park' - you can do this!!

  7. Have to have a corndog. Fair ones are just different :) Love checking out goats, the poultry barn, cattle barn, even the pig barn. 4-H exhibits. Always have to look at a few campers, and I would love to see horses, but our fair is pretty much pull in for the day shows. Very few stalled horses, and the schedule is spotty for watching shows.
    I used to spend the whole fair while I was in 4-H, showing calves and open class cattle. By the end of fair I had explored every inch of the grounds. Now days, I get there one day...

  8. Your county fair is sure a far sight fancier than ours!~ Seals? Diving dogs? Wowza! I would give my right arm for one of those raspberry milkshakes - ours has only the usual, chocolate, vanilla and fake strawberry. I love your photographs (as usual) - that fair looks like so much fun. I hope the drilling is over soon. It's such a shame that things have to change, isn't it? My road was a quiet dirt road with vernal ponds. It is now a poorly paved, potholed raceway with constant heavy truck traffic, loud radios and bad mufflers.


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