Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Schedule, schmedule

After telling him what days he would be working every week, Brian's employer has stood that on its ear. He worked an extra long day Sunday, and then didn't work yesterday or today (which threw a bit of a monkey wrench in my plans, for reasons I won't elaborate on). He works the next three days (including Friday), gets Saturday off . . . and who knows after that.

Rick has had to leave early every morning this week to squeeze in a distant recheck before his other calls, so our alarm is going off earlier than usual. And I've had to be up at midnight to give Jackson his last dose of Tramadol ever since his discharge. I've tried to take naps here and there, but I'm not always successful (and when I am, I sometimes wake up totally disoriented rather than rested, which is an unpleasant feeling). It's little wonder that Rick came down with a cold virus . . . and has given it to me. Can someone just wake me when this summer is over???

Feeling like the walking dead at . . .


  1. You need a hug! And a prayer that your schedule will settle down soon. Hang in there, Michelle!

  2. Yes, getting run down with lack of good sleep does leave you open to viruses! Just keep putting one foot in front of another and before you know it - Fall will be here.

  3. Yep, not being able to have a halfway normal schedule always knocks me for a loop, too. And not being able to get a good night's sleep is kinda like having a newborn in the house! We go through different bumpy stages in our lives (sometimes seems as though stages/changes will never end), but eventually there is smoother sailing ahead. Hang in there!

  4. I'm with Mama Pea: Hang in there! I am on the other end of your spectrum right now. Home all alone with a new 7 week old pup. Yikes! I, too, am getting up two or even three times a night, and haven't had a full night's sleep for over a week. It is in fact 'disorienting' as are naps for me. I hate naps. I decided that I didn't want to use a Puppy Piddle Pad during the night - and then have to 'untrain' Annie Oakley from using that later on. Thus, I have been getting up when she calls and we go outside for necessary purposes. It is working.

    The cold sore developing on my lip is probably the result of the sleepless stresses - or it could be because the tomatoes are beginning to ripen. Alas, Hand In There. Follow the junkyard tomcat's lead: find a nice warm spot to rest whenever you can - even if it is in the back window of a junked Cadillac.

  5. Thanks, all! Sitting here with a box of tissues feeling totally unmotivated to tackle my long to-do list. I try to remind myself of a favorite Bible truth – "And it came to pass." None of this has come to stay; it will pass! 😊

  6. Gosh I hope that 'normal' returns soon. Lack of sleep is the worst.

    And you are so correct, this too shall pass.

    btw, congrats on your new spindle!


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