Sunday, June 02, 2019

Officially over the halfway mark

Today was Bing's turn.

He's #6; 'only' five more to go.

Current spinning project:

That's all the news that's fit to print from . . .


  1. Beautiful spinning like always.

  2. Your spinning project looks like red cotton candy. What a beautiful color!

  3. Your shearing job is so perfect! I like my shearer, but the end results are not half as neat as yours. And such lovely fleeces... xo

  4. You do such lovely spinning!! It's so beautiful!

  5. Bing's fleece is gorgeous!

  6. Thank-you, Elaine, Mama Pea, and Jeanne. This fiber isn't as easy to spin as the J&S top, but the colors make up for it.

    Susan, you, too, could have a perfect shearing job if you had 3-5 hours per sheep (probably more, because your sheep are bigger) and a pair of scissors! Seriously, though, if a professional shearer left a sheep this tidy it would mean you have a ton of second cuts to deal with, so I'd rather the sheep look ragged but the fleece be clean.

    Denise, Bing's fleece is available! ;-)


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