Tuesday, May 21, 2019


As I grab grass and wrestle weeds at home (by the armfuls, and with great urgency while the weeding is easy), and drive from home to work and home to Brian's school and back, I keep getting gobsmacked by the plant mass that has exploded in our area. The combination of an early hot, dry spell followed by this period of cool, wet weather has kicked things into overdrive. I predict our hay guy's second cutting is going to be incredible, as he got the first cutting of newly-planted orchardgrass off during that dry spell and now his fields are getting optimum moisture. That's great for us; hmmm, maybe I could breed a couple ewes this fall? 😉
Sarai is getting a little scoop of oats every morning until it warms up again
Speaking of "plant mass," we visited Schreiner's Iris Gardens last Sabbath. This is a near-annual pilgrimage, although we didn't make it last year. To our surprise, they are charging a per vehicle parking fee now. Nearby Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm does this and gets hoards of visitors every year, so it certainly makes financial sense and adds to their revenue stream. And the visual delights are worth the price of admission! Here's a small sampling:
You know you're getting close when you see fields of flowers (crimson clover in foreground)

Speaking of weeding, I ended up going through my blogroll blog by blog this morning and deleted probably half of the ones on my list. Some addresses were no longer valid, some hadn't posted in ten years or more. It set me back on my emotional heels and left me melancholy, thinking of the passage of time, of water under the bridge, of lost connections. It also makes me think of what I'm doing with my "one precious life," what impact I'm making, what legacy I'm leaving. We're not here just to be part of the biomass!

I'm still working on creating a positive legacy with this:
One thing this "Selfie Generation" does well is pose!

It was another busy weekend of going here and there. I finished spinning a second sample of Jamieson & Smith combed Shetland top, and then pulled out the first sample I'd spun to ply. But when I started to dissemble the spindle, this happened:

I broke this spindle years ago when I was in Spokane visiting my dad, and he helped me glue it back together. I will glue it again, but at that moment I was away from home with time to fill and nothing else to fill it with, so I bunted!

Waddya know? It worked!

That's it for now from . . .


  1. I'm so glad YOU'RE still here in the blogosphere!

  2. The gardens are glorious. What a treat. So glad you finally got some rain and cooler temps. Plant life loves it! (And so do we!)

  3. Wow on the gardens. My iris went on strike this year all green no blooms. Yup I laugh often when surrounded by my grandgirls and the momentous amount of time that is taken up by posing, pre-shots, editing of shots and I could go on. But I know these girls and there is hope as there is with your guy. Nice shoes by the way.

    Good fix on the spindle. I am afraid I will always be a wheel girl but I did buy myself a spindle for my Bday last year produced by one of our local fiber friends. And I do occasionally use it.

  4. What glorious gardens! Also I can't believe how much Brian's grown!


  5. Just catching up with everything you've been doing - some beautiful photographs. Thank you for sharing.
    We're glad to see some sun after a very grey and chilly few days. Summer seems a long time coming - maybe it was that warm spell we had in February/March!!

  6. I love the irises, so many colours. I have been pulling mine up as they multiply too fast so now have to find another spot for them as my native Aus. garden suits our climate better. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Only you could wind such a beautiful cop on a broken spindle :-D.

  8. The spindle still works because the spinner is so darn good at it! :-)

  9. Your work with the spindle (any spindle!) is amazing. Not everyone can do what you do.

    Those flowers! Oh, my. Oh, my. Oh, my!

  10. Thanks for sharing the exquisitely beautiful flowers!! Wish I could get some like that!

    I'm glad you were able to mend the spindle! Good job!

  11. Yes, Leigh, the wet, cool relief from the unseasonably early "summer" spell was most refreshing!

    Goatldi, those shoes almost warrant sunglasses! I haven't fixed the spindle yet, just used it with one arm instead of two.

    Yep, Kat, he's gotten big – but still has a lot of character development to go. ;-)

    Dormouse, we had that early warm/hot spell, too, so I was GLAD to see the clouds and rain! (Summer is my least favorite season.)

    Rosie, if your irises are multiplying so fast they must like your climate, too!

    Aw Sara, Elaine, and Mama Pea; you ladies made me blush!

    You're welcome, anonymous. It is a real treat to have a place in our area like that to visit. (I'd need staff for my place to look half as good.) The spindle isn't mended yet, just pressed into service anyway.

  12. Who knew there were that many colors and kinds of irises?!? How beautiful! And the LEGS on that boy! You were much calmer than I would have been, having the legs of that spindle snap off.


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