Friday, March 01, 2019

Spritely Sprite

I've shared photos of Sprite in the past, but it's been awhile. (If you go to labels and click on "Sprite," other posts featuring her will pop up.) She's been Brian's special pet, the animal most bonded to him, since he bought her from a local breeder in 2016. Once in awhile he brings her into the great room, like he did Wednesday. Her wings have never been clipped so she does like the chance to fly around (I worry about her trying to fly through a window!), but mostly she stays on or near Brian. Watching her groom herself was so entertaining that I grabbed my phone and to record it,

then snapped some photos as well.

Earlier in the winter she sustained some kind of trauma while in her cage and I thought we were going to lose her. I picked her up and warmed her in my hands a few times, and would set her on a low perch which I had positioned next to both her food and water. Eventually she recovered, and has been much more accepting of me since then. I figure I'll eventually inherit her if Brian ever leaves the nest (he WILL someday; living at home indefinitely is not an option!); I do enjoy having a pet bird, and have had one most of our 34 years of marriage.

That's it on the budgie for now from . . .


  1. A brief summary of the "birds of my life" is in the comments of the last post....

  2. Thanks Michelle, just the most precious! We recently lost our Red
    lord Amazon Parrot that we had for 35 years, and seeing your Budgie helps soften that ache. Funny that some people can't imagine a little bird would be so much company, but truly they are:)!


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