Thursday, January 24, 2019


It's early, still dark, and I'm the only one up. I relish this quiet solitude. Days and evenings are full of the expectations of others and my own sense of obligation and a mind too full to concentrate. But before the sun comes up, before the other people get up, I have this precious bubble of time. It's not long enough for much wordsmithing, mind you, but I can share some soul food. Like a glimpse of rapidly changing weather from earlier this week,

a little feast of winter flowers,

Sarcacocca – SO fragrant!

and the promise of much more to come.

Sharing blessings from . . .


  1. You have company at this early hour. Thanks for starting my day with those beautiful white flowers!

  2. Geez and we have snow and cold! Such loveliness only hours aways.

  3. Same here. That blissful little bit of quiet - the dogs are still sleeping, the cat is snugged against me and I am knitting, while hearing the RAIN drum against the roof. Thank you for your always beautiful photographs of your little bit of Heaven. Seeing green things and flowers makes me realize that winter doesn't last forever. xo

  4. I'm sure that little bubble of time gives you the strength you need.

    Those signs of spring in your neck o' the woods! My, my. We are currently experiencing a white-out. No snow falling but high winds rearranging the buckets of snow on the ground and roofs. -25F degrees wind chill. You sure you don't wanna move back to Minnie-soda??

  5. The early morning quiet.....pure bliss...

    Thanks for sharing the photos, reminds us that Spring is coming and yet winter holds it's own beauty.

    Enjoy your day!

  6. I have the bubble of time in the evening usually. It used to be the morning when I got up early, but I was going to be later and later and so I get up later. The evening is when I get to wind down and just sit and enjoy my past times now.

  7. Love those beautiful flowers!

  8. I would love that bubble of time alone as well, especially in the morning...however, my hubby is such an early riser that I never beat him up! He's a 4 am kinda guy.
    Are those tiny, bell-like flowers Lily of the Valley? They're so pretty!

  9. Even in retirement, huh, Sylvia? (And you're welcome. ;-)

    Sara, we almost always have flowers here; spring flowers come later.

    I'm GLAD you have snow, Theresa, because I know you need it to reduce wildfire danger!

    I'm glad Slimmy gets to spend your early morning time with you, Susan. And I know your mornings start MUCH earlier than mine!

    Bite your tongue, Mama Pea.

    Yes, Debbie, I do love our winters – flowers AND the lovely 'bones' of deciduous trees.

    Elaine, sometimes I stay up too late to catch some quiet time then, too. I guess I'm greedy....

    So do I, Jeanne, even if they are mostly white.

    Our husbands are very different, Lorie. ;-) I think the flowers you're referring to are snowdrops.

  10. Love the "bubbles of time". That's what they are. So glad to be back reading your blog, and others, and writing again. ... and being able to call you Michelle. Ha,ha! Feels good.


  12. Gosh, you have so many things in bloom or about to bloom. Makes me hanker for spring!


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