Tuesday, September 11, 2018


Dust-rinsing, air-freshening, grass-greening RAIN fell off and on today, with more in the forecast! Can you hear every living thing in our area breathing a collective sigh of relief?

One of the "off" times was this afternoon, giving me a chance to ride my pony in the freshly watered arena (much safer for his lungs and legs) while rainbows danced overhead. 😊

Yep, I'm a happy girl. And this is a happy cat:
No really; he is! I took this photo after rolling Chuckie around like a lump of dough on my lap for ten minutes straight; he was positively love-drunk – and ready for more. I have never met such a love-hungry cat! Tonight Rick medicated him for fleas and tapeworms; he'll wait a few more days for Chuckie's "tutoring."


In "squirrel season" news, last night Rick and I put 56 more bales of grass hay in the barn from the same first-cutting crop we got earlier. We left enough room for some fourth cutting for the ewes if the producer gets any put up.

Today I put up another seven quarts of applesauce and topped off my fourth gallon bag of dried prunes. I found the Plum Upside-Down Cake recipe that got rave reviews last year, so I'll pick a few more prunes for that; the apple processing will be ongoing for awhile.

That's it for now from . . .


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hoping to hear the pitter-patter of little comments! ;-)

  3. LOL, sometimes your posts exhaust me just reading them. Between you and Susan I feel like such a lazy sot. We need to get hay soon and fingers crossed here for some of that rain. They really need it in the Shasta Redding area. Pets to Lucky Chuckie!

  4. I know the feeling from reading Susan's posts; I don't feel nearly as productive as I NEED to be! Chuckie will take a bushel of those pets from you....

  5. Awww, sweet, sweet Chuckie! Hay in the barn and applesauce (and plums!) on the pantry shelves. Does it get much better?

    If you have any of that rain as extra, send it our way. Garden soil is dry, dusty and hard. Not especially good for working in fall compost. Our temps are back up reaching for the 80s again, too. Boo-hiss, bring on fall temperatures.

    I'm preserving beets today. A messy job but the buttered beets will taste good all winter.

    Hope you can squeeze in more time in the saddle these days. Autumn has got to be such a glorious time for horseback riding!

  6. I am getting really nervous about hay this year. We missed the first cutting due to the wet spring and I gambled on being able to get second cutting...and that's not looking good either, but not completely out of the question... (chews fingernails)

  7. AND we are drowning in rain - all the time and now a huge hurricane is heading for the east coast. We are far enough away in the mid-atlantic, but the storm is so big we will get rain from it - heavy rain. Really, trees start falling in this kind of wet environment! It has been the wettest summer in a long long time.

  8. Well, I wouldn't mind having (a LOT) more veggies in the larder, like one of my blogpals (Mama Pea) has, but I'm not complaining about what I have. Rick says we also have a bumper crop of grapes, so I want to make time to stem those and put them in the freezer for our frozen fruit mixtures since we're WAY short on baneberries this year. Don't have enough rain to share yet, just so very glad to get SOME. I'm sure the SE seaboard will be desperate to share soon. :-/ Just took baked goods out of the oven so I'm off to ride again before cleaning up to pick up the boy from school.

    Oooh, I'm sorry Sara; hay stress is terrible! I may not get the fourth cutting my ewes prefer, but at least they won't starve with the first cutting we have. And MAYBE I'll have enough if I find another horse.... ;-)

  9. What a cutie pie cat!! My husband and I have had cats our whole married life - and we have had some real snugglers. Our current cat who is an oldie right now - he and his brother were not well socialized when they were babies - so by the time they got to us - they were pretty well formed. Over the long years with them they have made tentative efforts to get on our laps. But they are pretty happy just sitting beside us.

  10. "CANEberries"....

    Oh dear, RK; I hope you don't get any tree damage! We just can't manage the weather like we need to, can we?

  11. That sounds like you and Chuckie had a great snuggle time!! Fun!!! I do love kitties, even though we can't have one, because of allergies. So Dogs work better for our household.


  12. Oh no! Chuckle is a orange boy kitties in disguise as a tuxedo boy. He is a love bug who has found his niche in life. No worries about the a him parts removal he won't miss them.

    We are super cool with rain type clouds but it is just a tease. Looking at a 46 degree low tonight. Great sleeping weather. Mama Pea is hotter then we are.

    Good getting some riding in for his sake and yours. Makes everyone happy.

    Envy your apples. I should be able to find some at a local orchard soon. Sadly I think the Carr fire plus the others have dealt a death blow to my Apple and pear bare root. Peach and lemon seem fine.

    Always a sigh of relief to have a winters worth of hay in the barn.

    Now go to bed early you need it😊


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