Friday, September 21, 2018

Friday freedom / flyers

This morning Chuckie got his freedom. I opened the tack room door while we did chores, and he explored the barn. He started by exploring the 'great outdoors,' but beat a hasty retreat when one of the ewes 'baa-ed' – ha! He can retreat all the way back into the tack room if he chooses; we left the door open and his food, water, and bed available as a familiar comfort zone. I hope he's still around when I can go down to the barn to check on him; I haven't seen him from any of the windows while cleaning house.

One flyer is from yesterday morning. A female Anna's hummingbird visited the feeder. The light was right, so I moved into position to take some photos. She flew off, but came back just as I hoped. The photos I got on my iPhone of her flying in, feeding, and flying away were far better than I hoped for, though!

The final flyer is in these photos our pastor took of me last night. (Our son is gone and my DH asked if I wanted to go to church board meeting last night. Don't we have exciting date nights? At least we followed it up with a trip to Dairy Queen! 😋) P.S. The tank top is one of the samples I got from the LYS 'garage sale.' Love it!

That's it for freedom / flyers today for now from . . .


  1. Our hummers are all gone now so thank you for the shots of your beauties!
    Nice spinning!

  2. Theresa, we are fortunate to have Anna's hummers year-round. We used to get Rufous hummers in the summer, but I haven't seen them for several years.

  3. I love watching hummingbirds. But since we have the bees and I give them sugar water all winter long, I try to save some money and don't feed the hummers. Love your picture. Yep, your date night sounded about as exciting as ours are.

  4. Ruth, the hummers don't go through much sugar water here; I make a small batch (1/2 c. water, 2 T. organic sugar – all I buy) and it lasts several days. I figure it's cheap entertainment; we don't go to movies or eat out much.

  5. The hummingbird photos are excellent Michelle! We only have ruby-throats, but we have a female that lives in our yard. Glad to see Chuckie out and about. I hope he feels he's at home with you all. And it's a good thing you brought a spindle to that meeting! Nobody looks as though it's a very interesting one. :)

  6. Chuckie, you are a wonderful looking tuxedo kitty. We love seeing the photos of you exploring the barn. You were having so much fun exploring the place. Great seeing such gorgeous shots of the hummingbird. They were taken perfectly. Thanks for the share. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
    World of Animals

  7. Oh my goodness, those hummer photos are absolutely amazing!!! Usually I only get blurry wings, but you got fabulous stills. Congratulations!! I hope you'll frame at least one of those!!

  8. best hummingbird photos i've ever seen. these iphone cameras are just astounding, and your composition and timing are fab. applause. clapclapclap. standing o. --suz in ohio

  9. Nice photos! We have Anna's also and I am getting closer to a decent photo of them as after the summer they seem to know me. There is a family of four two adults and two very small Hummer's I assume are this years hatchlings? Hope Chuckie has hung out for you in the tack room.

  10. Thanks, Leigh! So far, Chuckie is staying put. And it was a looong meeting....

    Thanks, Sara!

    Welcome and thanks for the nice comment, World of Animals!

    I lucked out, Mokihana, as usually I get blurry wings or pedestrian perched shots. Hmm, maybe I WILL frame a couple!

    I'm blushing, Suz; thanks!

    Chuckie is staying around the barn AND house, Goatldi! I need to do another post on him....

  11. Such beautiful pictures - both of Chuckie and the birdie!!
    I surely do hope Chuckie decides to stay with y'all! He's so pretty!
    We, too, feed the Anna's hummers year-round, and we're blessed to have the Rufous ones too. They've already gone south for the winter. We haven't seen any for a couple of weeks now.

  12. What a handsome cat. My very first 10 was a tuxedo - Ashes, named because he knocked down ash trays (it was the 60's and my husband was a smoker.). He lived to be 18 - almost 19. A favorite of my heart for sure. Slept in my bed under the covers with his paws curled up against my chest as I slept on my side.

    You must have one wonderful camera! Those pics of the humming bird are AMAZING -professional grade.

  13. Thank-you, Jeanne; Chuckie has been out two whole days now and is staying put so far.

    RK, all I use anymore is my iPhone 8, because both point-and-shoot digital cameras have dust inside their lenses. I was surprised at how many photos turned out; the light was really good!

  14. Those shots of the hummingbird are fabulous! Ours have left for the year and we will have to wait until May 2019 to see them again. I always look forward to seeing them because it's a sign of good weather coming!


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