My next visit to the Fair was Tuesday, August 28. The main reason was to hear one of my all-time favorite country music artists, Collin Raye, appearing with Sammy Kershaw and Aaron Tippin in a concert dubbed "Roots & Boots" that night. On our way, we walked through the draft horse area of the Livestock Barn, where four-up teams were getting ready for the 7:00 show.
We secured seats on the left side of the pavilion so as not to have the setting sun in our eyes, and I pulled out my horn spindle and alpaca to pass the time until the concert started.
The guys put on a GREAT show. All three of them opened together, then each one had his own segment, then they sang some old classic country hits together again at the end. I didn't get any photos of Sammy Kershaw; he looked like a stereotypical retiree (paunchy, untucked button-down shirt and white tennis shoes) and played the comedian warming up the show for the bigger names to come.
Aaron Tippin was as buff, energetic, and gravely-voiced as Popeye the Sailor Man, and raised the roof with some of his top hits.
In this instance, the best was saved for last – Collin Raye. 😍 I could have listened to him for hours – so did the next best thing and ordered his newest album when I got home. He mentioned it during the concert; "Twenty Five Years – Twenty Five Hits."
On our way back through the fairgrounds Rick checked on some patients while Brian and I tagged along. Brian started scratching this friendly gilt – and she clearly didn't want him to stop! I don't find pigs beautiful but there's no denying their personality and intelligence.
Nope; couldn't look at that face and then kill and eat her!
That's State Fair report #2 from . . .