Sunday, July 15, 2018

Borrowed lines

All quiet on the northern front. That's right; after two solid weeks of intrusive, nerve-wracking activity, there was blessed silence today. Rick and Brian stopped to talk to the excavator last week; he said that for now the lot on our north and the one to its west are going to be planted in alfalfa and hayed. He is someone we have some knowledge of, however, and we'll believe what we see over what he said.

Anticipa-a-tion is making me wait – although I did pick a nice bunch of basil to make broccoli pesto pasta for Sabbath dinner. There is now a smattering of blossoms on the bush bean and snow pea plants, and the white eggplant is flowering, too. Cucumbers and peppers are filling out, and two small tomatoes are starting to change color; woot! Oh, and a friend brought me a small fig tree offspring from her parents' hardy tree, and said she could bring me another if we want. Mmm; sweet green figs from our own tree. Now we've got to decide where to plant it.

And the beat heat goes on. And on and on and on.... Really saps the productivity. My sheep shopper rescheduled for Wednesday; Rick and Brian went to a car show with friends in the morning while I watered the garden, did laundry and dishes, and visited with my fig-delivering friend. When my guys returned we all hung out in the air-conditioned house most of the rest of the day (spinning time!) until temps moderated this evening. I did spin outside awhile; Brian wanted me to watch him wash my car.

Next up: On a clear day you can see forever. Yesterday we hiked to Cape Lookout on the Oregon Coast. THAT deserves a post of its own!

That's it for now from . . .


  1. Making sure I get comments emailed to me....

  2. Great shots of your very productive garden! That fig tree start is very attractive. Never had a fresh fig, but we do like them dried.

    Good job getting your car washed and shined up. I've found boys love to play with hoses! Couple of weeks ago our daughter stopped by with the 4-1/2 year old twins she takes care of every Saturday. Everyone was out in the garden with me and the hose was lying on the ground. Boy twin asked if he could water the garden for me. I told him sure and pointed out what needed watering. Next thing I knew Girl twin was screaming as he watered her. Little boys and their hoses!

  3. Washing a car?? I thought that was what rain was for! hahaha. I know - I should wash my care but a drive thru car wash does an adequate job. What I really need to do is clean the inside. It is so dirty.

  4. God I need to wash mine. Almost worth the 30.00 to have the wash place do it and vacuum the inside and do the windows....yep, next trip to town I think! ;-)
    It has been hot. What a lovely hike you got in though.

  5. The heat goes on here, too. It feels like we hardly get a break. This hasn't been good for my pepper plants, which are still spindly and each flower that starts, drops without setting fruit. I sure wish I could put my fig tree in the ground! But mine is an indoor/outdoor tree. Looks like you are making great headway on the TdF!

  6. I'm just the opposite, Mama Pea; I REALLY dislike dried figs (crunchy seeds=bugs to me), but I love them fresh! Brian doesn't LIKE to wash the car, but after Rick put him to work washing the vet truck and I admired the job he did, he agreed to wash my car. And it's a good job for a hot day.

    RK and Theresa, you prompted me to get the inside of my car vacuumed today; it really needed it. Now to do the inside of the windows....

    Hang on, Susan; autumn has to arrive SOMEtime!

  7. Blessed peace. Glad you finally got some. I hope it is planted in alfalfa. Better than a whole neighborhood of new homes! Spinning looks great! And so does your car. :)

  8. Glad you have some peace happening now. Your garden looks fabulous - such a wealth of harvest in progress.


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