Thursday, June 28, 2018

Riding off into the sunset

I don't usually allow myself the luxury of taking time to ride until the end of the day. If we get our usual evening coast breeze it's refreshing then, and if we're lucky (well, if I'm lucky; I don't think Lance cares one way or the other), we get the bonus of beautiful skies.

Last night as I was getting Lance tacked up, the sky looked promising. After several clear days, there were clouds for the sun to paint on its way westward. We headed out to chase the light, me snapping photos all along the way. It was spectacular from beginning to end!

In the summer the sun rises before I usually do, but I still got a treat this morning:

Sunrises in the winter; sunsets in the summer – I am aware of the embarrassment of visual riches I get to enjoy here at . . .


  1. That last picture is a little unreal! Gorgeous. Wish you had more time for riding at all times during the day and didn't have to try to "squeeze" it in last thing. But sounds as though last night's was a lovely one for you . . . time alone (well, except for your four-legged partner) to relax.

  2. You have the most amazing skies. Must be that west coast weather coming in off the ocean.

  3. Everything is bigger and more beautiful from horseback, don't you think? I do think you have a very special sky out there.

  4. "An embarrassment of visual riches...".... I love that.... It reminds me of "an exaltation of larks".... such lovely, lovely, skies...

  5. Mama Pea, part of it (much of it?) is just my personality and upbringing; I'm definitely "duty-driven." Plus, I don't like being out when it's hot or the sun is strong overhead.

    We definitely get weather coming in off the ocean, RK; during the winter especially we can watch it coming in over the hill from the west.

    Susan, yep. ;-)

    Thanks, Mokihana!


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