Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Hot flash

That's what we're experiencing here; it's suddenly summer, with record-breaking temperatures soaring over 80°! And boom, just like that, the foxtail is heading out, a sad signal that the sheep's grazing privileges will soon be revoked to prevent those wicked barbs from ruining fleeces and burrowing into flesh. Sigh.
The horses got a wee bit of turn-out for the first time today. Rick is extremely cautious about the risk of founder; he's seen a lot of cases as an equine vet. Plus, Lance is still recovering from a suspensory injury, so I held my breath and hoped he didn't frolic too much. I turned Oliver out in the arena for awhile to burn off steam, and took Lance for a road ride first so he wouldn't have excess energy. It was a beautiful afternoon!
Later I transplanted a geranium I bought recently, and captured this shot of our front yard.
Freshly mowed lawn; Japanese maples leaving out; blooming candytuft, geranium, and pink flowering cherry – it looks pretty good out there right now! I'll be ready for the cool-down at the end of the week, however.

That's it for today from . . .


  1. How pretty everything looks. I would take some of that warmth, we have been seasonally cool so far. Your horses and sheep are beautiful. Have a very wonderful day.

  2. Looks wonderful. I'm still using heat due to the chilly damp conditions. I'm ready for some warm sunny days.

  3. What heavenly views! I am so afraid that is what will happen here - we will finally get spring for two weeks, then go straight into summer!

  4. Foxtails are horrible. I used to work for a vet, and those nasty things migrated everywhere, including eyes. (Not mine, of course.)

    The horse next door is getting to spend a bit of time in the new grass, but not much, either, because of founder possibilities.

    Your photos are lovely, as always.

  5. Isn't this weather just perfect!? I'm loving it and even got on my fat pony last night. The new saddle fits him nicely and feels very secure to me. I am in need of some serious legging up though...such a sad state of affairs. Your yard looks very nice. :)

  6. The headlong rush of Spring growth and dazzling beauty! It's a wonder that you keep up with lawn, garden, flowers, sheep, horses plus regular living!

  7. Looking good!

    You are getting pretty much what we are down here. I am looking forward to lower tempts and some rain this weekend also. The fox tails are all too familiar. Had to weed eat the entire side of the field that two of the does are in. No good very bad fox tails.

    At my last clinic we called them "job security". Ouch!

  8. Sherry, I'd give you ALL the heat if I could! I far prefer cooler temps, but we must all take what we get.

    FFG, okay, if I could I'd send HALF the heat to you and half to Sherry. ;-)

    I hope you get exactly what you WANT, Susan; after your winter, you deserve it!

    So much danger to animal health out there, Mokihana!

    Good for you, Lorie! Glad the saddle fits!

    Oh, I can't (and don't) keep up with everything, Wanda. Some of it Rick and Brian do, and a lot just doesn't get done!

    Rick wants to poison it, goatldi; ugh. I think we should mow, bag and burn the heads. Actually, I was trying to let the sheep overgraze the one infested pasture, but he wouldn't let me.


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