Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Bada-bing bada-boom photo-bomb

Yesterday I gathered up some baggies and a Sharpie for wool samples and headed to the Sheep Sheraton with the goal of doing the prep work on the remaining five girls. But on the way I noticed that Bittersweet had his head caught in the fence, a not uncommon occurrence this time of year when spring growth IS greener on the other side of the fence.

Blake and his two compadres are harder to round up and catch than the little boys or the girls, so this presented an opportunity. I turned the girls out to pasture, and went to extricate Bittersweet, exchanging a halter for the fence. I was hoping the other two would follow if I led Bittersweet into the fold, then got even luckier when Blake came up and I was able to put a halter on him, too.

Now Bing would be sure to follow!
None of them needed much in the way of toe trims, and truth be told, I probably should have rooed Blake and sheared Bing and Bittersweet while I had them in custody. But it was late and Rick came home while I was collecting the last fleece sample, so I didn't have time. (I'll have to hope for another head-stuck opportunity to catch them for fleece harvest.) Here are the three big boys and their fleece samples (if interested in fleece, click to biggify).

Bittersweet (Cadbury x Annabelle, 2012 wether)

Bing (Bunker x Marta, 2012 wether)

Blake (Braveheart x Brava, 2010 ram)

Blake always has a lot of grease at the roo line and he's a 'stinky' ram, which is why I'm planning to send his fleece off to be commercially processed. The other two are available.

Having unexpected checked off the boys off my mental list yesterday, I was even more motivated to finish up the girls today. Thankfully, the weather has turned the corner from wet to wonderful, so here are the rest of the lovely ladies, from oldest to youngest:

WhitePine Sarai (2010)

Mid-side photo before the crimp was stretched by rooing – only it wouldn't roo!

OK Acres Vienna (2011)

Bernadette (Nightcap x Babette, 2017)

Surprise; she can be rooed!

Close-up (bad color) of Bernie's crimp
Bette (Nightcap x Bree, 2017)

I thought I could roo her sample, so took a mid-side photo

Snipped, not rooed

Don't worry, they were rewarded for their 'torture'. 😉

As I've said before, if you see anything you want to reserve, speak up. I need to roo Butler, Blake, and Bernadette ASAP, but reserved fleeces will be expedited.

That's it for today from . . .


  1. What beautiful fleece, makes me a bit tempted to get wool sheep;)

  2. Way to turn lemons into lemonade! All that beautiful grass! Once I deal with my overload of Icelandic/cormox/whatever fleeces, I may invest in a Shetland just to mix things up.

  3. All your sheep have such beautiful fleeces Michelle. I do wish I lived a little closer so the shipping wouldn't be quite so absurd.


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