Thursday, March 22, 2018

Throw-back Thursday

Aren't you glad we can't see the future?
Nine years ago I thought this little guy had a lot of attitude. Ha!

The present is all I can handle at . . .


  1. Michelle,
    Here is some unsolicited advice ....
    do with it as you will...
    #1 Parents - if you can go to sleep knowing you tried then wake up content.
    My thoughts on my own parental issues: Look ahead to my children cause looking back just causes pain.
    #2 Children - It will pass. I know what I speak of. Mine drug me through hell and back multiple times. Me and him came out stronger and wiser. It's been a decade since those times. I have not forgot but I now look at him and feel blessed.
    #3 - Personal - Just spin when the going gets tough or visit the sheep. Both tend to have calming affects on me.

  2. Well, he DOES have a lot of attitude, doesn't he? Just not the kind you'd prefer, I bet. Hang in there, kiddo - it will get better.


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