Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Today's feel-good story

Love this! One more example of how much better we could be doing stewardship all around the world.

That's it for today from . . .


  1. Pretty flipping awesome!

  2. Don't want to come across as Debbie Downer, but how have we come so far away from doing things the natural, sensible way? I can't help but feel this man gets so much more out of his daily life than the all too typical farmer of today who spends his day spraying poisonous chemicals on his fields.

  3. You're not a Debbie Downer at all, Mama Pea, just an observer of the current, sad reality of the world. Even Third World farmers are too often not sensible, i.e. slashing and burning their forests and destroying their wildlife just to create charcoal to sell for a few bucks. It's all about, "I'm getting mine and the rest of you, including future generations, be damned."

  4. Ducks!! I LOVE this :-) :-)

  5. Great story.Pretty flipping awesome!


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