Friday, December 22, 2017

Sleep in heavenly peace

Jackson has become a lapdog. In the past he declined all invitations to join me on chair or couch, but then he started joining me on the bed, and now that I have a recliner he can barely wait for me to get the footrest up and locked so he can snuggle.
The shortest day of the year has been a cold and foggy one here. I welcome Jackson's body heat; Dozer and Rick enjoy the wood heat.
We should be in bed, but inertia has set in. I'm the only one awake now, enjoying the quiet and the Christmas lights. Silent night, except for the fireplace fan and heavy breathing from the two on the floor. Peace on earth, goodwill among men is easy to imagine. God rest ye, wherever you are.


  1. Nothing more toasty than sweet pups to keep us warm! Merry Christmas!

  2. That Dozer. What a sweet picture.

  3. I'm all for lap dogs of any size, but the little ones you can move around like warm bricks to where ever you want them. They do growl a bit but who cares? Have a warm and peaceful holiday Michelle!

  4. All warm and cozy is my favorite. A beautiful post...Merry Christmas Michelle.

  5. Lovely post. Perfect for the season.

  6. Just catching up on reading your blog, Michelle. Warm cuddly animals are a blessing, aren't they?!


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