Sunday, November 19, 2017

The wheels on the bus go round and round

Last week Rick finished a second pear bowl with a rustic bark edge. I've been using the first one he did to hold napkins, but the second one is bigger and prettier, so even better suited to the role. Here it is showcased, and shown with pear #1 and an unfinished hazelnut bowl with a bark edge. I told him he can gift the two smaller ones; see, I don't claim all his work.  ;-)

Rick is gone until early Wednesday morning, so my car and I are really putting on the miles for a few days. Yesterday I drove Brian to a church an hour away where his school choir and handbell choir shared music. (Second time for choir, first time for bells; here are links to most of their pieces if you'd like to listen: One Thing Have I DesiredDown in the River to PrayThe Word Was God; Sing We Now of ChristmasI Vow to Thee, My God; Pat-a-PanWhat Child Is This.) Last night I drove him to his school for open gym. He was supposed to go to basketball practice this afternoon, but said he didn't feel up to it (from a head cold supposedly, but he got up very late and had homework and chores that were prerequisites to playing, so I think he saw the writing on the wall). Tomorrow I have to take him to school, go to work, pick him up from school, drive him to his violin lesson, then drive back to school for a required basketball parents meeting and basketball practice. (His school is 40 minutes away from home, and an hour from where I work and where his violin lesson is.) Tuesday I have to take him to school early because he has high school ensemble practice; school lets out at noon but he wants to stay for an indoor soccer tournament which will give me a little more time to catch my breath. Wednesday morning Brian has dentist and doctor appointments since he is on Thanksgiving break; sometimes I really miss the flexibility of homeschooling!!! Even after Rick returns I'll be racking up the miles because of basketball season. They have begun practice three days a week, and twice-a-week games start December 5. Brian thinks the hassle will make us amenable to letting him get his driver's license at 16 (coming up very soon) and drive himself, but we are not seeing the responsibility and transparency necessary to trust him with a vehicle for which WE pay. Ah, teenagers....

The pause that refreshes (NOT Coca Cola) is a little time with my horse outside on a beautiful day. Thank-you, Lord, for the nice weather and my mental health mustang!

That's it for today from . . .


  1. Those bowls are gorgeous <3
    It's funny to see that I'm the only fiber and horse fanatic in blogland. Mind you, my horses are way fatter and out of shape than yours.x

  2. Oh man, those bowls are eliciting serious bowl envy.... does your hubby sell them on line?
    I do miss riding sometimes, but I have mostly found the prospect of pain enough to prevent my doing something foolish! I still love the beasties though.

  3. Beautiful bowl. Totally jealous of them too I might add. I am not envious of your driving schedule this week. Yikes! That's a whole lot of rush here and rush there. And then of course, the holiday.
    Oh I don't know Yarrow, there might be one or two of us horse and fiber loving nuts around. :-)

  4. Can you imagine a household of three (or more!) teenagers involved in separate activities? Methinks there would have to be some limits and restrictions put in place under those circumstances.

    Brian wants to have his driver's license and be able to drive wherever he wants himself, eh? Sounds like a good opportunity for "earning" it!! (Yes, I was/am a mean mommy.) ;o)

  5. Yarrow, quite a few of my blogpals love horses and fibers – that's probably why we're pals! Besides the first three commenters, there's Wanda (fiberjoy), Sara (thecrazysheeplady), Mary, Sandra, Garrett, Susan...and more!

    Kim, he's willing to sell, but we haven't figured out price or platform yet. If you're interested, email me!

    Yep, Theresa, you're one of my horse/fiber pals!

    Noooo, Mama Pea! And we agree wholeheartedly; if he wants the privilege of driving, he can help pay for the insurance AT LEAST, or better yet, buy his own car, fuel, and insurance!

  6. Is the sea of red in the middle of the picture a blueberry field?

    Thanks for posting Brian's music performance/offering!

    Ugh, your schedule is taxing. (pun sort of intended)


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