Wednesday, November 01, 2017

October's sayonara sunrises

October 30:

October 31:

Fiber finishes in October included spinning the last of the Jacob roving:

and washing my skein of mohair to knit for a November challenge:

I picked the remaining zucchini, eggplant, and tomatoes, and most of the mini-peppers:
I also picked a big bunch of kale, but it was so infested with aphids (or some sucking insect) that I couldn't salvage it. Can anyone tell me what to do about that problem? I still have carrots and a few onions in the ground; I thought the seed onions I planted at the beginning of the season had all died, but some are growing now. I'm hoping I'll have some to harvest next spring.

Lance and I enjoyed glorious weather and scenery on our last ride of October:

To close, here is a little snippet from Brian's last violin lesson of October (I can only take video if I hide the camera behind the music stand):

On to November at . . .


  1. I've noticed beautiful sunsets here - usually in my rearview mirror, as I drive across the mountain. Lately, it's been too overcast to see much color. My bugaboo with kale is snails and slugs. I am hoping for some good, frigid weather to freeze the little buggers.

  2. Oops! Meant to ask what you are planning to do with that beautiful mohair...

  3. We're more clouded now, too; no color this morning. Susan, this pattern, with beads just at the ends:


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