Friday, November 03, 2017

A fine Friday

Yesterday was mostly rainy, which was fine because I had to work. It did end beautifully, though, with a rainbow followed by sunset-kissed clouds in the east. 

Today was also supposed to be rainy and started out gray, but then....

Jackpot! Oh, we had an afternoon shower or two, but the morning was lovely. Quite chilly, though, so Rick left a wheelbarrow of firewood and I built a fire this morning. This evening the house is cozy, the dogs are napping, and I'm not sure I can keep my eyes open to knit like I was planning.
Oh well, turning in early doesn't sound too bad, either. ;-)

That's it for now from . . .


  1. Beautiful photos! Don't you just love this time of year?

  2. Is that the gorgeous mohair you spun? SUCH beautiful yarn.

  3. You always have such stunning sky vistas - lovely start to that knitting project!

  4. Pictures of my favorite time of year! But we've now gone into winter and our autumn is gone, gone, gone. Had our third snow (yes, it's early this year) of the season last night and the ground is well covered. It will be a while before I can find great winter pictures to post . . . and you can bet they won't be anywhere near as colorful as these latest of yours!!

  5. Yes, Leigh, fall is definitely my favorite season.

    Yes, Theresa, that's the mohair I spun on my Turkish spindles. Not sure I chose the correct needle size OR pattern, but this being mohair, there's no ripping out.

    I do, too, RK!

    I just shoot what's there, Claire; we are blessed with a beautiful location.

    Mama Pea, I will enjoy photos of your winter wonderland while being thankful that I don't have to deal with it!


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