Friday, September 15, 2017

Prizes and surprises

Last month our local feed store announced a contest for best "favorite dog" photo.

I sent in one of each of our dogs – and Dozer's won the grand prize! (I sent in a full-color version.)

Since our dogs don't sleep outside, I asked if I could trade the dog house for a dog bed, and the store agreed. Look at this beauty!

Yesterday I invited Dozer to try it out:

Today he decided he likes it:

I got an unexpected package in the mail today. Theresa sent me three skeins of absolutely gorgeous handspun, and a pattern book:
for no reason other than she is an incredibly thoughtful and generous blogpal friend.

Love the fog in this morning's valley view, a sign of the changing seasons:

And look at this fluffy blue butt!

(The sheep adventures of the last 24 hours will have to wait for another post.)

That's it for now from . . .


  1. Whoa Dozer, awesome bed! Michelle, some of that yarn looks like a perfect match with that bed fabric. Maybe an impractical bulldog sweater? HA!
    Hope all is well on the sheep front, big cool down here, and Robin caught a mouse in the house. Spit it out immediately and I was able to rehome it outside. Hope it made it.

  2. That picture of Dozer with the big smile on his face was just the morning chirk-me-up I needed. The feeling it brought gave me a smile that probably looked identical!!

  3. LOL Thank goodness Dozer liked the bed !!

  4. Love that bulldog. But then I am very partial to bulldogs!!!

  5. How fun is that! Dozer looks sooo happy with his new bed. What a sweet face.

  6. Lovely! Dozer looks very contented on his new bed!

  7. Spit it out immediately and I was able to rehome it outside. Hope it made it.



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