Friday, September 29, 2017

Backup bowls

The sheeps and I (the horses, too) had a visitor this Wednesday from a blog reader and fleece customer who lives in California but happened to be in the area. We had a lovely visit about all kinds of things – fiber pursuits, horses, dogs, parenting (we're both older moms of single sons) – and dogs and lambs approved of Sue's hands-on approach. The available time passed all too quickly, and I didn't take a single picture! Since I dislike being in front of the camera I think I'm reluctant to ask others if they mind being photographed, but then regret missed opportunities. You'll have to come again, Sue!

Last evening I decided to get in a short ride before the forecast rain. Before tacking up, I took some photos of Lance . . . and that was the last time I saw my camera. I put it back in my ever-present bag, tacked him up, rode around the nearby field and in the arena, then took my DH up on an offer to go for a walk up the road. When I finally sat down in my recliner to download my photos from iPhone and camera, the camera was not in my bag. I got up and retraced my steps around the place; Brian, on his own volition, trekked around the nearby field with a flashlight; and this morning I got back on Lance to retrace our steps; all to no avail. I haven't gone back over our two-mile walk route, mostly because I think I would have heard my camera crash to the gravel or pavement. But when I leave for town I will drive the route just to be sure. Yes, I still have my phone camera that does some things better than Mr. Lumix, but not everything. Phooey.

Good thing I had some bowl photos waiting in the wings. The first two are Rick's latest accomplishments in black walnut and figured maple. Next they are shown with some former projects from the same woods but different stains, showing the variation one can get. I've claimed the newest maple bowl; the black walnut one went to Rick's mom.

That's it for now from . . .


  1. Oh bummer on the camera Michelle! If you don't find it contact me, I think I have a couple of camera's around here that never get used.

  2. Wow. Your husbands talent with wood is impressive.

  3. Oh, I hope you find your camera before the rains come!

  4. I had a lovely time visiting with you and all the critters! I am honored to make it to your blog. Those bowls are absolutely stunning!!! And good luck with your camera.

  5. Rick's bowls are gorgeous! And what a shame about your camera. Those things are such important tools in the blogging world. Maybe there's still hope?

  6. Those bowls are fabulous! I'm a big fan of hand made and am totally impressed when someone does wood. Michelle, praying you'll find your camera soon.


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