Thursday, August 24, 2017

Changing routines

My days are suddenly simpler . . . emptier. After days – weeks? – of babying Lil'Country Nightcap along, hoping he would regain his strength while giving him special meals and helping him get to his feet several times a day, yesterday he took a hard left turn for the worst. I couldn't get him up; he wasn't interested in food; his breathing was different. Rick said it was time to end it, and I knew he was right.

If the grand old man wasn't going to make it, I guess it was a blessing to lose him this week. Next Monday I have to leave before dawn to drive to Spokane, returning the following night, and I was worried about him not getting enough support while I was gone those two days. No need to worry now....

Today I got Brian registered for the new school year, which starts Monday. We'll be back to twice-a-day trips to Salem and a much more structured schedule – at least once the first week is over. Brian is going to drive draft horses in the State Fair for Rick's client again this year after last year's hiatus, so we'll be pulling him out early Wednesday and Thursday for that. Friday afternoon we may be leaving for a horse-camping trip – or we may not. From there on it feels like a long toboggan ride to the holidays, starting out at the top with a gradual slope but quickly picking up speed while I struggle to hold on.

But rather than focus on the coming frenzy, I will try to focus the beauty around me.

It's everywhere, it's everywhere, at . . .


  1. Oh Lord, you mentioned the dreaded H season. Yikes! It is zooming up isn' it?
    Big hugs on Nightcap. Oh Michelle, this has got to have been one really hard, lousy summer. Sending out healing thoughts and prayers.

  2. Sad news regarding your Nightcap. Somehow, some way it's a bit easier (although "easy" isn't the right word) to lose them when they've lived a good, long life rather than when they're too young to leave us.

    The fall season brings a change in all our lives even when school days no longer dictate our schedules. Personally, I'm so ready this year for a calmer, more easy flowing winter season.

  3. I think it's harder, in some ways, to lose the old guys (and gals). We've had years to spend with them, getting to know their little quirks and ways and developing special bonds. Then, again, it is a special honor to have done so. Sending you a big hug - Nightcap had a very blessed life, as you are an exceptional shepherd. The temperatures are quite fall-like here, which I prefer. It also tends to fill me with dread, as I have a lot to accomplish before winter!

  4. Over the years I have lost several woolly oldsters that I had "babied along". They are gone but the memories
    remain. I love your description and so agree -- "the long toboggan ride to the holidays"!

  5. So sorry for your loss of Nightcap. He will be missed.

    I know it's a busy time of year with garden harvests, school starting again, wishing you a good weekend.

  6. That last photo is really neat! Looks like a cloud bow and arrow. And I'm sorry to hear about Nightcap. Always so sad to lose them but I know what you mean about that sense of relief. Sounds like a good year ahead for Brian!

  7. So sorry to hear about Nightcap. Sometimes when you can feel the stress building up, appreciating the beauty and tranquility of nature really helps. X

  8. So sorry about Nightcap. I hope this coming autumn is kinder to you and yours.

  9. We cannot deny God is a great artist.

  10. Thanks, everyone; it has been a really rocky year. Thankfully, God provides four-wheel drive, even though the shocks aren't great. :-/

  11. which I prefer. It also tends to fill me with dread, as I have a lot to accomplish before winter!



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