Bree (I rooed her sample, but she needs a bit more time to loosen):
Babette (looks roo-able, but fleece is firmly attached):
Sarai, my reliably roo-able ewe, was also very itchy – especially on her neck ;-):
Blaise (shot with and without flash; hard to capture but breathtaking!):
A certain little someone quietly inserted herself between my legs, blissfully happy for any attention that came her way:
Sweet Bacall can also be reserved, along with Bogie and Butler. Others will be added to the sales list later; feel free to inquire.
That's it for now from . . .
All those fleeces look stunning - I'd be hard pressed to part with any of those fleeces if I were you! But then, like me, you probably already have too much fleece and too little space!