Friday, May 12, 2017

Status update

The good news is that my laptop could be repaired. The bad news is that it would cost a pretty penny, and I would still have a six-year-old computer - which is practically an antique in the tech world. So I ponied up for the latest (but not quite greatest) model, available at a 15% discount as a "refurbished" (most likely a restock) unit from Apple online. I could pony up because of my "non-acquisition year" and my "broken" pony; interesting how that worked out.

Hopefully I'll be up and running with the new machine by the middle of next week. In the meantime, I'm posting assorted photos over on Instagram (button over there on the right).

I sure would love to know why so few of my readers choose to comment. If it weren't for faithful Mama Pea, Susan, and Theresa, I could believe that my comment function is broken. If you are having trouble leaving comments, I'd sure appreciate you sending me an email (hot link over on the right) and letting me know. It's kinda lonely in here!

That's it for now from . . .


  1. Sorry about the bad news regarding your computer. :o(

    I'm guessing all of us are experiencing less comments on our posts at this time of year anyway. I know I mentioned in my last post that I'm simply not going to have the time in the next month (planting time) to do as much commenting as I would like. Did you notice the lack of comments this past winter, too? That's usually the time we bloggers have more time for posts and comments. You do a very good job of posting regularly and I'm always happy to read whatever you've written . . . even though I don't know beans about sheep and only a smidge bit more about horses. Don't let lack of comments stop you from communicating. I have a feeling you have a lot of lurkers who don't comment for one reason or another.

  2. I check you almost everyday. Just don't comment, sorry. :) Helen

  3. Same here. I guess I could be considered more of a listener than a talker. :)

  4. Mama Pea, my comments are usually less than 10% of views, but considerably less than that recently.

    Helen and "anonymous," thanks for letting me know you're reading! If something really strikes your fancy (or a nerve!), I hope you'll comment again.

  5. I'm not having trouble leaving comments - just having trouble finding enough time to visit blogs. I'm putting in 70-hour work weeks these days, and that doesn't count the things I still need to do around the house and with the various critters (2 sheep, 1 goat, 2 cats, 1 dog, 2 bunnies, 2 guinea pigs, and 1 husband...oh wait, I guess he's not a critter!) But I do comment when I visit! Like now! I'm hoping the madness in my work will subside by August.

    1. Oh, I think husbands TOTALLY qualify as critters that we care for, Claire! I'm glad you have work, but when it rains, it DUMPS on you, doesn't it!

  6. Guilty as charged, I've spent the last 3 days running to town. MY BAD! Glad the computer issue will be resolved. Wish your pretty pony was feeling better though.
    Oh and I know that teenager of yours has been a challenge recently, but here's to hoping Rick and Brian pull off a wonderful Mother's Day for you! You deserve it!

    1. Theresa, you often comment and I appreciate that! Thanks, too, for the emailed support; it means a lot.

  7. I do read/visit your blog and most of the time I do not comment... I'm guilty!!!

    1. You're forgiven 😉 -- thanks for commenting when you do, Diane.

  8. I'm Carol from Scotland. I haven't commented so far and will try to remedy this. I enjoy reading your posts very much.

    1. Carol, welcome! Scotland; wow. I would LOVE to visit someday!

  9. As usual, I'm just massively behind . . .

    1. I know where to find you, friend. 😉

  10. Time's the culprit. Time to read, time to write, time to comment... Life is just so darn crazy these days.

    1. That it is, Kat. Thanks for letting me know you still visit Boulderneigh!

  11. Time is crazy here as well. today we took a quick trip across the mountains to visit my 91 year aunt who caught pneumonia and ended up in the hospital for a few days. And I have a 90 year old neighbor in the nursing home until her strength returns. (Why is it necessary to age). Plus there's plenty to do on these 10 acres. But I faithfully read your blog and am very happy that you will soon have these troubles behind you - oh wait - you will have to learn the upgrade..

    1. Yeah, I don't look forward to the learning curve, Sharon. Did you get the fleece sample?

  12. I have been around....lurking and reading from time to time...but I am finally ready to take back what I miss from the old I expect to be chatting a lot more...I DO miss everybody!

  13. Having to use my iPhone for the time being, I can certainly understand, Torina. Thanks for letting me know you enjoy it here!

  14. Hi Michelle! I look forward to your posts and try to keep up. Always busy, day job and otherwise. Just realized I haven't posted on my own blog in a while....I must get to it!
    anyway...we are here for you...

  15. guilty too......I blame it on a very long cold winter, even my own blog postings have been few

    don't feel lonely, friends are a keystroke away.

  16. Thanks for letting me know you're both reading, Diane and Debbie -- it means a lot to me!


I'm a blogger - I love comments! Oh, and you DON'T have to check that box proving you're not a robot; you'll still be able to leave your comment without it!