Thursday, May 18, 2017

So far, so good

I picked up my new laptop from the local college IT tech today, after he moved all my data over from the dead one. So far, everything seems to be compatible with the new machine, but I haven't tried to work on any graphics jobs yet. Actually, I haven't had time to do much at all on it, life being what it is.

So while I dream of catching up, here is some gratuitous cuteness taken today. ;-)

Nice to be back! (And thanks for all of you who let me know you're reading; I really appreciate it!)

That's it for tonight from . . .


  1. And nice to have you back along with all the lamb-ie cuteness!

  2. I LOVE all the lamb pictures!!! Thank you for taking the time to post them.

  3. Oh my cute and I'm sure cuddly! Thanks for sharing.

    Glad to hear your new laptop is up and running.

  4. I can almost FEEEEL those adorable little lamb bodies from your photos!

  5. Too much cuteness! I am suffering from cute overload! It makes me want to go online and search for people selling lambs! Ack!


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