Sunday, May 28, 2017


South Falls, 4/29 (see the people at the top?)
Another view of South Falls, 4/29
South Falls, 5/27 (see the hikers behind the falls?)
Lower South Falls, 4/29
Another view of Lower South Falls, 4/29

Lower South Falls, 5/27
Kids on a log, 4/29

Yesterday we paid our second visit of the year to Silver Falls State Park, exactly four weeks after our first. The first time we were invited for a hike by some of Brian's friends; the second time my MIL asked us to take her. It was a popular destination both times, crowds of people speaking several languages. But after you hike a bit past magnificent South Falls, which is only a short stroll from the parking lot, the crowds thin and the peaceful sounds of forest and water utterly take over. Abundant wildflowers were in bloom both visits, with some overlap. Until I read Julie Zickefoose's blog, I didn't know these transient treasures are called Spring Ephemerals. I tried (unsuccessfully) to get clear photos of every variety I saw. Once home, I found a couple good sites to identify most of what I saw, so I put names to 'faces' where I could. (I think the names show up if you hover your cursor over each photo.)

Also seen: Rose Checker Mallow, Baldhip Rose, and Oregon iris.

Finally, I love this scene:
The lamp post looks rather Narnian, don't you think?


  1. Spring Ephemerals - I've never heard the term, but it certainly makes sense. You really hit the jackpot on this hike - very lovely pictures. Hope it cools down and you have a wonderful day tomorrow :-) XOX T.

  2. What a bee-yew-tiful spot!!

  3. How beautiful! They don't have a hermits cabinet somewhere hidden I can sneak into and I've for a bit do they?

  4. What a wealth for the eyes - such beautiful flowers. We have had a tremendous amount of rain this spring, far more than usual. I tried to go out in the woods for a quick walk but the mosquitoes and blackflies made it impossible, unless I wanted to be covered in welts by the time I came out. Such a difference from last year when the mosquito population was so low. I've never seen Oregon grape before - what an interesting name!


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