Friday, May 19, 2017

It's time

. . . to shear. Benny is about to bust his seams! I really should have tackled at least one today, but didn't manage my time that well.

. . . to halter-train. When I turned the ewes and lambs out on pasture this morning, Brigitte and Bardot decided to wander around the driveway instead of following their mom into the field. I took that as volunteering to be the first to start halter-training; ha! Brigitte is such a pet that she was soon following me with very little resistance; Bardot was much more dramatic. Since Brigitte was so calm about it all, I took the chance to get a snapshot of her lovely lamb fleece mid-side. Soft and crimpy, just how I like it!

. . . to garden. Actually, it's past time, but this is as much prepping as Rick has gotten done. Apparently there is tractor trouble, but he hasn't done any work on his berry patch, either. His hobby is taking much of his free time now. Certainly the work of his hands is beautiful, and even useful . . . but they aren't edible.
Oh well, there should be some strawberries at least; the neglected little patch is flowering and setting with gusto. The garlic I planted last fall survived as well. I might have to pin most of my pantry plans on the fruit trees this year. :-/

. . . to knit. It's always time to knit; as the Yarn Harlot says, knitting protects the people around her.  ;-)

As you can see, I finished my second scrappy Sheep Heid, and started a charity knitting project with the handspun Theresa sent me. This is the Casu Cowl, and I think it is perfect for this yarn. My original plan was to donate the finished cowl to Homeward Bound Pets' gift shop, but I've had another idea. I'm thinking it might bring in more funds if I offer it in a kind of silent auction to the highest donation to Homeward Bound. Is that kosher, since I'm not actually selling the finished product of someone else's pattern? I need your feedback!

. . . to wrap this up. Tomorrow I plan to post pretty panoramas and posies.

That's it for today from . . .


  1. Well the bowls are beautiful. Maybe a few little cuts and curly cues and he could sell them on easy as yarn bowls. I'd buy one!

    My garden is non-existent. We've had hard frosts ad snow flurries right up until Weds this week. What the heck??
    I bet I know who is shearing this weekend.....

  2. Where to start...
    I think the silent auction is a great idea for the Casu Cowl.
    Your second scrappy Sheep Heid is beautiful!
    Rick's bowls are amazing.....not edible but great potential for $$$.
    To the was a tough winter and there seem to be hits and misses all round. Fingers crossed for the fruit trees.
    as for B and B, too funny with the halter training. Great photos!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. ... and your strawberry plants are pretty.

  4. Love the fleeces and the bowls are awesome. Did a quick look online about the use of patterns at
    Review the FAQ "selling patterns and finished products".
    I sell alot of handspun items and always make my items my own. I may see something I like in a pattern, but change it up to make my own design. You are quite crafty and I'm sure you can modify this pattern to make it your own too.

  5. I've encouraged him to make some yarn bowls to help support his habit, Theresa; I'll let you (and the other blog pal who wants one) know if/when any are available.

    Thanks for all the input, Debbie! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, too.

    One bright spot in the garden, Barbee'. :-)

    Thanks for the link, Diane. After reading it, I decided that the best thing to do was to contact the pattern designer. I'm waiting for a response to know how to proceed. Interestingly enough, in reading the copyright law it sounds to me like just modifying a pattern might not be enough to keep one from violation.


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