Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Spring salad

It's that time of year – the march of the flowers:

All of the above are established plantings. I also picked up these

to add to one of my bare borders – but for now I'm enjoying them in front of those rocks on our front walk!

Rick recently pruned some of the trees by our house. I feel more exposed now, but it needed to be done. All those branches are going to enlarge an already big burn pile!

That's it for the salad course at . . .


  1. what a beautiful time of the year seeing everything bloom!

  2. You have one of the loveliest springs I've ever seen! Thanks for sharing.

  3. That orange colour is stunning - what lovely flowers. They will be a wonderful addition. Your daffodils are beautiful. I planted some last fall with my mom and I hope they emerge soon. The crocus plantings finally came up this week and the flowers were out on Friday. Finally spring has arrived in my cold part of the world! Snow due this week of course.


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