Friday, April 21, 2017

Frankly, my dear, you have Bette Davis eyes!

Early this morning, my sweet Bree delivered beautiful brown twins. In keeping with my movie star theme, I've named them Butler (Rhett) and Bette (Davis). Butler came first, then Bette slipped out minutes later while Bree was busy cleaning her #1 son.

I've been expecting Bree to pop any day, and last night at chore time I could tell she was in early labor. I put her in the lambing jug and checked in on her every hour or so. At 1:30 this morning there was a water bag so I stayed by. After 20 minutes of teeth-grinding and intermittent pushing on Bree's part with nothing more to show for it, I opted to investigate. I found a normal presentation just inside, so I grasped the little ankles and provided gentle traction.

Bree is an excellent mother just like her dam and granddam. I checked to make sure her milk was in, then stayed by to make sure the lambs found nourishment and Bree didn't get carried away with cleaning (causing injury at the umbilicus). Bette was actually trying to hop a little before I headed for my warm bed!
This morning all was well. Looks like both lambs are musket, and I think they are going to be everything I've hoped for from this cross of Nightcap on Blake offspring.

Last night I found it interesting that Babette, Bree's full sister (a year younger), seemed very interested in the proceedings. She remained uncharacteristically quiet, and close by. Baby sister Bacall (who looks like a TANK compared to the newborns) also changed her usual napping spot to be near.

I took the little family out for their first excursion at noon after I turned the rest of the ewes and lambs into the pasture. Today was perfect for it; we're supposed to hit 70 for the first time this year. Blaise was very interested in the new lambs; when I put them back in the lambing jug, she ran the fence and got into the storage end of the fold trying to follow them.
I predict Babette won't be far behind with a single. She is hiding her pregnancy extremely well, but when I got a peek under her tail, her pink parts betrayed her!

That's the good news today from . . .


  1. What wonderful news! Hope you can catch up on a little of your sleep tonight!

  2. All little brown cuties from the B girls at Boulderneigh!

  3. So exciting! Nothing sweeter than baby sheep or goats.

  4. Beautiful additions to your flock!

  5. They're adorable - your sheep are so photogenic! Mine always seem to be blurry or half out of the picture or looking like they just ate a bee. How exciting to have so many beautiful lambs.


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