Wednesday, March 22, 2017

At loose ends

My ewes are keeping me in suspense (will they or won't they lamb before I leave?); I can't decide what to knit next (MUST.HAVE.TRAVEL.KNITTING!); weather, work and Spring Break are messing with my routine and mental health mustang time; and undisclosed family issues are heating up again after a lull. Among other things. Somebody better bring a straightjacket!

That's it for now from . . .


  1. Yep, sometimes things just kinda fall into place and everything flows smoothly, and other times . . . ei-yi-yi! Hope some of the stress and pressure eases up for you, Michelle.

  2. Fingers crossed those sheep put some lambs on the ground for you before you leave. I can't imagine enjoying your trip if they don't. Hugs on the family stuff. BIG hugs!

  3. Hang in does send us zingers to mess with routine.

    I hope you've found a travel knitting project.

    You could take the girls on a road trip...hook up a trailer and you would be set.

    Sending a hug.

  4. The Shepherd is now checking the barn on a 4 hour schedule - He has 5 bred, I can't imagine what he was thinking! T.


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