Wednesday, February 01, 2017

Another late night

The teenager is not managing his time very well. Between school, basketball, homework, violin, and chores, there hasn't been enough time for sleep . . . for any of us. He's going on a snow camp-out for his Wilderness elective this weekend; can you tell?

Other areas of my life are equally chaotic and/or stressful. There is another family "situation," and my horse's health is compromised, leaving our dancing future uncertain.

But there is this:
I really wanted this shot of the hummingbird at dawn with Mt. Adams in the background, but didn't intend for the flash to go off. It startled Mr. Hummer so I only got this one chance, but it turned out better than I expected. I'll take it. ;-)

That's it for now from . . .


  1. Hopefully things get back to an even keel soon. Sorry there is strife. Hope that Lance is on the mend soon.

    Your shot of Mr. Hummer is great. I have the same type of feeder. It now sits on a try as the suction let go a couple of times and cleaning up the mess.....sitting works just fine.

    take care

  2. Maybe this weekend while Brian is gone at least you can catch up on a little sleep. Hoping the family and horse problems work themselves out quickly. Even though our child is grown and we certainly have no big problems, my husband said to me a night or two ago as we were getting ready for bed, "Do we ever have a 'normal' day?" Such is life.

  3. You have had more than your fair share of life upheaval lately. I do hope things will even out soon. I'm also glad you still maintain a good outlook and that you have an eye for the beauty all around you.


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