Monday, January 09, 2017

Oh, this winter!

So last night it warmed up to slightly above freezing and it rained a lot and this morning the trees were relieved of their heavy burden of ice and the snow was sloppy slush.

Then the temperature dropped a bit and it did this:

And through it all my new weather station has registered ZERO precipitation. Rick got it for me because I wanted a new rain gauge (after gauge #2 froze and broke; you'd think I'd learn), but I think it must have an ice dam or something (this one is self-emptying, so no more breakage). Oh well, it has been entertaining to watch the temperature go down and up and down!

When he's not napping, Jackson finds it entertaining   frustrating to watch squirrel TV.

I took the first photo not realizing the flash was on, so I turned off the flash and took another – and captured all THREE of the contenders for black oil sunflower seeds (the third one is that gray blur at the top of Jackson's head).

Today's treasure are the bright branches of my little sunset maples visible through our (dirty) bathroom window:
They provide a welcome pop of color at this time of year.

That's it for today from . . .


  1. Such weather you're having! You could be in Minnie-soda! (Hee-hee.)

  2. Whiplash weather, is what I am calling it. We had below-zero temps yesterday and they are calling for rain on Thursday. Geez.

  3. I know your weather has been wild because a friend of mine just got stuck in Portland and had to take the Amtrak back to NorCal. Those photos look laughable to me - but when you live somewhere that is not equipped to handle winter weather, and won't use salt on the roads, it's another story altogether. Glad you were safe and could help your neighbor :-)


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