Thursday, December 29, 2016


I haven't made time for sheep-snuggling lately; time to remedy that.

Looks like I also need to make time for a coat-change, Benny!

The next line in the old song I quoted from yesterday is "My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue." True, dat; you can't take it with you. But....

We do have treasures here; they are all around us in leaf and flower, fur and feathers. These have always been meaningful to me; I think you can tell that from my photographs. Still, sometimes "life" interferes (as with sheep-snuggling), so for 2017 I choose to be more intentional about appreciating them. Whatever else I blog about, or even if I have no time to blog about anything else, I'm going to try to post a daily "today's treasure" photo.

I hope you don't mind if I start early. ;-)  Today's treasure was photographed by my neighbor, who has named him Cloud; I have only captured glimpses of this rare and elusive beauty:

That's it for today from . . .


  1. such sweet sheepie faces. looks like they enjoy the snuggles. three of my five are attention-seekers, and I try to make sure they at least get some ear scritches each day. Its as much for me as it is for them :)

  2. What you need is a volunteer sheep snuggler. I would sign up for that assignment in a nano second. I don't know much about sheep but I do know about snuggling and spoiling animals. My children say I could spoil an alligator. Ha. Too bad I am on the other coast from you.

  3. What kind of blanket do you use? My daughter recently began a Lincoln Long wool flock. We do not like the canvas style blankets. Nor do we like the kind that cover the rear end, just messy.

  4. Yep, Denise, sheep are good for the soul, and I've been cheating mySELF out of time with them. ;-)

    It IS too bad, RK, because you're welcome here anytime.

    Lisa, I use Rocky Sheep Suits and can thoroughly recommend them. I prefer the heavier original fabric, but he does make them in a lighter, silkier fabric as well.

  5. Wow! Cloud is absolutely gorgeous - so unusual! I do hope you get to see him (or her?) again. Poor Benny is starting to look like a sausage in a small casing! I'm wondering if I should consider coating my sheep next winter. It might keep the fleeces in better condition for me.


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